• High School English Language Arts 


    A graduate of Portland Public Schools will be a compassionate critical thinker, able to collaborate and solve problems, and be prepared to lead a more socially just world” (Portland Public Schools Information / Vision, n.d.).



    Portland Public Schools’ high school English Language Arts classrooms offer students diverse reading, writing, speaking, and listening opportunities. Students deserve multiple entry points to practice - and then master - the composition of written and oral pieces that enliven critical thinking and advocacy.


    Why is English Language Arts important?

    A comprehensive high school English Language Arts education exposes students to scenarios where they can collaborate and engage with diverse perspectives. Mastering communication, text explication, and composition, students hone the skills to address social issues, advocate for justice, and contribute meaningfully to their communities.


    Resources for educators



    Adopted curriculum for 9-12 ELA classrooms




Morgan Hallabrin
Assistant Director, 9-12 Core Academics (English Language Arts & Social Sciences)