Title I-C - Migrant Education Program
Who do I contact if I believe a student might be eligible for Migrant Ed services?
Call 503-735-5697 for assistance or email migranteducation@pps.net
The program recruiter will then follow up with the family and determine eligibility.
PPS Title I-C
Migrant Program
The Migrant Education Program provides help with education and other needs for children ages 3-21 who move frequently because they, their parents or guardians work in agriculture, fishing or forestry.
Children and youth identified as migrants are eligible for Migrant Education Program services for three years from the date of the qualifying move. The goal of the program is to help children and young people overcome barriers resulting from frequent moves, so the children can be successful in their education.
Who Qualifies?
Children and young people ages 3 to 21 years old:
• Who have not yet graduated from High School• Who travel frequently with their families.
• Who moved so they or their parents could look for agricultural, fishing, meat processing plants, canneries, nurseries or forest work.
- 24 Hour Accident Insurance
- Parent Empowerment and support
- Summer School
- Free school lunch
- Tutoring referrals
- Leadership Institute (Oregon State University)
- Migrant Middle School Camp
- Food Assistance
- High School credit accrual
- Health Resources
- Housing Resources
- Adult Education
- Migrant Parent Advisory Committee
- Early Kindergarten Transition