Richmond Talented and Gifted リッチモンド ギフテッド教育(TAG)
Welcome to Richmond Elementary School's Talented and Gifted page!
Please contact Richmond's TAG facilitator, Katia Fleischman, if you have any questions. Thank you!
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The TAG referral window opens on December 1. Families will receive an email in their home language to approve the evaluation or decline. Please find more information about the referral process on the PPS TAG website.
Family Night: Richmond's TAG Family Night for the 2024-5 school year was held on Back to School Night on Thursday, September 26th. You can view the slides covered in the presentation here.
UPDATE: NNAT3 universal screener will be administered to 2nd grade students by October 31.
For more information about the PPS Talented and Gifted Program, please click here.
ご質問は、リッチモンドのTAGコーディネーター、Katia Fleischmanまでどうぞ。