Mt. Tabor Middle School
Talented & Gifted Information 2022-2023
Mt. Tabor TAG Facilitator: Karen Kallfelz
Email: kkallfelz@pps.net
PPS Talented & Gifted Education:ppstag@pps.net
website: pps.net/tag
TAG TOSA: Michelle York
Clusters: Franklin, McDaniel, Special ProgramsIf you would like to nominate a student for TAG:
1. Fill out the TAG Nomination Parent/Guardian form: email Kkallfelz@pps.net for current form.
2. Once you have submitted it, the TAG Facilitator will get input and work samples from your child's teacher(s)
3. Forms are due in November 2022.
4. When appropriate, existing data will be used for math and reading nominations. Intellectual assessment will occur in the spring.
5. Notification letters will be sent directly from PPS TAG Office
Back-to-School Night TAG Presentation October 13, 2022Other resources and handouts:
Ten Best Practices to Support and Nurture Young Scholars
Depth & Complexity
Instructional Strategies for Advanced Learners
Mt. Tabor’s building TAG plan