• For Teachers

  • For Teachers

    Teachers are our #1 on-the-ground PPS sustainability champions -- from teaching students through creative curriculum to inspiring students beyond the classroom. 

    We know that teachers at all grade levels and in all subjects are teaching about climate change and climate justice, and we are so appreciative of that! We want to continue to support those efforts through climate-related Professional Development opportunities, teaching resources, story sharing, and more! If there are specific projects you want to implement at your school (tree planting, food waste collection, advising a green club!, etc.) then please let us know and we can do our best to support you. The best way to connect about that work is to become a PPS School Sustainability Champion! See information about signing up below. 

    We also know that teachers have lots of questions for us about climate initiatives at the district level, especially around recycling! Check out the two links below to find a presentation tailored specifically for teachers to fill you in on everything you need to know:




Degrees and Certifications:

School Sustainability Champions Network

You aren't alone! The School Sustainability Champions (SSCs) Network is a voluntary network for teachers and other school staff passionate about sustainability and climate justice. SSCs:

  • Are a liaison for important communication between schools and staff at the central office working to make PPS more sustainable and climate friendly.
  • Get central office support to create green projects with students and staff at their schools.
  • Are a part of a communication platform designed for resource sharing and celebrating successes together.
  • Collaborate with and learn from other SSCs around the district.

PPS Sustainability believes this program can be a prime catalyst for student and staff designed, grassroots climate programming across Portland Public Schools. If you're interested in learning more and potentially joining this amazing network, please send us an email at sustainability@pps.net or sign up using the link below.


Sign Up!

  • Classroom teaching lessons and activities

    Over the years, we've compiled and discovered some favorite teaching lessons sourced locally and from around the country. Here are some we want to share -- these are all fully baked lesson plans for students of all ages. 

    Have you used any of them? Let us know how they worked! 

    Know of others? Please send them to us so we can share them here. 




Degrees and Certifications:

Teach Climate Justice

Portland Public Schools, in collaboration with CLEAR Environmental, created this growing and dynamic resource space for educators, administrators, and community to share and learn about climate justice teaching in our schools. These pages contain teaching resources, community resources for students and families, and much more.

Check out the page here to find the resources that fit your needs!



Degrees and Certifications:

Classroom or Club Visit

PPS Climate Justice and PPS Sustainability are always excited to connect with students in-person, and one of the ways we are able to do so is through classroom or club visits. We can give guest presentations about the Climate Crisis Response Policy or about other topics within our professional purview. We can also do more casual conversations or lead an acitivity on-site.

If interested in a classroom or club visit, please email us at sustainability@pps.net.



Degrees and Certifications:

Energy and Utility Dashboard

Interested in learning more about energy use across the district and at your school? Check out the PPS Energy and Utility Dashboard to view utility usage, utility cost, solar production, and Energy Use Intensity, by building.