• TAG Program

  • What is TAG?

    TAG stands for Talented and Gifted.

    TAG students have the capability to perform at higher levels compared to others who are the same age, are in the same environment, or have the same experience.

    In PPS, classroom teachers provide TAG services through instructional practices that meet the rate and level of student learning needs. The PPS Instructional Framework identifies the components and indicators that every PPS student should experience.

    Students may be identified as TAG in three areas:

    • Intellectual Ability

    • Math 

    • Reading

  • TAG Goals

    • Develop a mechanism to identify students for TAG in creative ability, leadership ability, and ability in the visual and performing arts

    • Develop a professional development series on TAG identification and services, including twice- and thrice-exceptional students

    • Increase the percent of historically underrepresented students as eligible for TAG to better reflect building and district demographics

  • For additional information, please visit the website for the Office of Talented and Gifted Education, www.pps.net/tag.

  • Pamela Fretel

    TAG Coordinator


    503-916-5180 ext. 78552


    Kasey Bond

    TOSA for Grant, Jefferson, and Roosevelt clusters
