• Sabin Talented and Gifted Information

    Our TAG coordinator at Sabin is TBD.

    TAG information is available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ArFR-ve1DtyHEiEBoTr5xyspDTdS5AFLMk-iqTctPIg/edit

    A list of questions and answers from past meetings are in this FAQ document.

    We look forward to seeing you!

    Family Night Translations

    Translated videos of the TAG Family Night presentation are available on our website for the supported languages (Vietnamese video coming this week!).

    English | Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Soomaali | Русский


    Instructor Wanted!

    We are looking for a math teacher to take on the role of instructor for a Canvas course for 6th grade Mid School Math for 5th graders who have acceleration needs. The first few weeks will be planned around the lesson structure in MidSchool Math and the facilitation would involve monitoring discussions, giving feedback, and providing a final grade. We would be able to provide a 1/2 day sub to help develop the Canvas structure and the facilitation would be paid at up to 6 hours of extended hours per week. The class will be 10-15 students. There is potential to have 2 teachers split the work if you have a partner in mind. Please ask questions, or reach out to Michelle York if you are interested.


    Please reach out to your building TAG Facilitator or AVID/TAG TOSA with any questions.


    Dana Nerenberg, Senior Director, Academic Programs dnerenberg@pps.net

    Lisa Draper, Data Clerk ldraper@pps.net

    Kim Bertelsen, TOSA: Cleveland, Lincoln, Wells-Barnett clusters kbertelsen@pps.net

    Kasey Bond, TOSA: Grant, Jefferson, Roosevelt clusters kbond@pps.net

    Michelle York, TOSA: Franklin & McDaniel clusters, and Special Programs myork@pps.net