Hello IBW Families!
Here is where you can find information and updates about the TAG program at IBW. You will find a slideshow below with basic information about what TAG is, how to refer a student for identification, and how TAG services are implemented in the classroom. This year we will start the TAG identification process with the collection of already available test information and getting feedback from teachers. This process will be completed by December 1, 2023 and families of newly identified TAG students will be notified.
If your child is not identified based on the data-driven review, or for students who do not participate in the universal screening assessments, a referral window will open on December 1st, and teachers, families, and students themselves can complete a referral. These students will need to take additional assessments, which will be scheduled starting in January 2024.
Join us for the 2023 TAG Family Night!We will hold a Talented and Gifted (TAG) Family Information Night on Wednesday, October 18th, 2023 at 5:30PM via zoom: https://pps-net.zoom.us/my/ms.izabella.pena
We will review the presentation below and answer any questions you may have.
Do you have questions?Please reach out to the Ida B. Wells-Barnett TAG Coordinator: Izabella Peña