• Cap and Gown Information

    Josten's Cap and Gown Orders - Order now!

    Haven't placed your order yet? You can still order but do so quickly! Need a packet? They are available in the Counseling Office or Room 139.

    ● There are lots of great packages available online at Jostens. If you are just looking for a Cap, Gown and Basic Tassel, use this link cap and gown unit (it includes a basic tassel). And good news! with all of the school closures and power outages, Jostens will keep the lower price of $38 for the cap, gown and tassel unit. The price will however increase to $43 on March 1 so get your orders in now! When ordering a cap and gown unit, you are not required to select a keepsake tassel for the additional price. Select the last option on the right (it says no tassel but means no keepsake tassel) and you will just receive the basic tassel with your cap and gown.

    ● Want more than the Cap and Gown unit? You can order additional items online at Jostens.

    ● While we want all of our seniors to wear a cap and gown, we do not want financial concerns to impact your participation in this year’s graduation ceremony, so please reach out to Sharon Dailey (sdailey@pps.net) in the Counseling Office if this is an issue and we will make sure you can borrow a cap and gown.

    ● Know someone with an Ida B. Wells green cap/gown? You are welcome to borrow one from a friend, neighbor, family member as long as it is in our school colors/style.



    • You can order:

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