Do you need help deciding on what you'd like to do with your life after graduation? Not sure if college is right for you?
Connect with Jessica Wade, Ida B Wells Career Coordinator, by email jwade1@pps.net or through a one-on-one appointment
You can also:
- Explore your interests and aptitude by taking a Maia Learning Character Assessment. Log on to Maia Learning with your PPS Google account. Once you complete the assessment, you can view suggested careers, add them to your career list, and find programs to help you pursue those interests.
- View one of more than 25 recordings of Post-secondary Planning Workshops from the recent Tools to Build Your Future event available at https://www.pps.net/buildyourfuture
- Attend an upcoming PPS Future You 2 Go Virtual Career and Post-secondary information session. This month, you can see what the PCC Bioscience certificate program can do for you. Find out more, including links to join and other upcoming events at Future You 2 Go
- Interested in more opportunities to explore your career interests, start building your network, resume, and plans for your future? See the full listing at