• Career Learning

    Explore Careers, Gain Experience, Build Your Network

  • Why Career Learning?

    At Ida B. Wells-Barnett, students have numerous opportunities to discover what career path might be right for their future. Whether it's a Freshmen Career Fair during College & Career Exploration or AVID or a career day at a Portland-based company, students gain an understanding of the career possibilties before them.

    Our students then dive deeper into career fields as they try out skills and gain experience working alongside professionals in industry-sponsored mentorship and internship programs and through IBW's Career Technical Education (CTE) classes. 

    Through career learning, students approach the future with optimism, with a plan and the knowledge of how to get there, and with a budding professional network.


    What is a CRLE?

    Career-Related Learning Experiences (CRLEs) are structured educational experiences that connect learning to the world of work. PPS requires students to participate in and write reflections about two CRLEs, but most students complete many throughout their four years of high school. In addition to school and industry-sponsored CRLEs, many students arrange their own informational interviews or job shadows.

    What counts as a CRLE?

    • Industry Career Day or Career Fair
    • Company Tour
    • Career-focused guest speaker
    • Future You 2 Go or other virtual career presentation
    • CTE Work based learning (e.g. practicum, clinical, service learning, school-based enterprise, etc.)
    • Mentoring Program (e.g. Pre-health, ACE, PACE, etc)
    • Internship or ongoing Volunteer position
    • Job Shadow or Informational Interview with a non-family professional 
    • Mock Interview
    • Recorded career talk. Select from:

    What does not count as a CRLE?

    • College visit
    • One-time volunteer event

    See our list of current career opportunities to find a CRLE that may interest you!