• Student Climate Projects

  • Click HERE for the full program overview. 

    The Portland Clean Energy Fund (PCEF) is allocating Portland Public Schools fundings for student-led climate action through the Climate Friendly Public Schools program. This program gives students the opportunity to engage in real-world climate action, community needs identification, leadership development, and Project Based Learning that will allow for innovative and creative solutions to climate change.

    The program will allocate $10,000 per school, per year for student-led projects with an additional $5,000 available to support staff advising and central coordination of program development. PCEF funding is available to all schools that serve grades 6-12, so it will apply to all middle schools, high schools, and K-8s.

    The Climate Justice Office is currently finalizing funding allocation details including student project applications, FAQs, teachers/school staff stipends, and reportign requirements. As this is the first year of funding distribution, we appreciate your patience! More details to come soon, and in the meantime please look over the PCEF-PPS Climate Friendly Public Schools program overview.

    Keep tabs on these important program application dates:

    Project applications: (links will be added in September)

    • Intent to apply, due Friday, Oct. 18, 2024
    • Project Proposal form, due Friday, Nov. 15, 2024
    • Project completion form, due Friday, May 2, 2024



  • What schools are eligible to receive this funding?

  • How much funding do schools receive for student-led projects?

  • Who is involved in planning and completing projects?

  • What types of projects can this funding pay for?

  • What is the full timeline for projects?

  • How does our school access funds and spend funds?

  • What happens if there are multiple student groups, clubs, or classes that are interested in using the student project funds?

  • If there is more than one staff member interested in the SCPA role, do both people receive ER pay?

  • What happens to student funds that may be left over after a project is completed?

  • Can students save some of their funding from the current year to be used the next year?

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