Appeal Processes
Administrative Directives
Student Conduct and Discipline Administrative Directive (Appeal Procedures are on Page 20)
Healthy Substance-Free Learning Environments (Appeal Procedures are on Page 2)
You may appeal a suspension decision to the principal, if the suspension decision was made by a vice or assistant principal. If the decision to suspend was made by the principal, you may appeal the suspension to the Senior District Staff responsible for supervising the school.
If you wish to appeal the results of a hearing, you can request to appeal to the Office of Student Support Services at or 503-916-3960.
Or, you can use this link:
Appeal the Results of a Discipline Hearing or scan here:
For hearings resulting in mandatory expulsions for a student possessing a firearm on campus, appeal requests must go directly to the office of the Superintendent at (503)916-2000.
Appeals Grid: Who hears appeals for different scenarios:
Mandatory Expulsion
Violation resulting in Suspension
First Building Principal
Second: District Staff Responsible for Supervising the School
Title IX Hearings
Superintendent or designee
Level B Distribution or any Level C Substance Use Violation
Superintendent or designee
Threat/Causing Fear of Harm to a Staff Member.
First: Building Principal
Second: District Staff Responsible for Supervising the School
*Superintendent or Deputy Superintendent may modify mandatory 5 day suspension based on recommendation of the appeals officer.
Physical Attack/Harm to a staff member
First -Superintendent OR Deputy Superintendent
Second- Board of Directors
Violation of dangerous or deadly weapons at school
Superintendent or Deputy Superintendent
Violation of firearm at school
Yes-356 Day by Federal Law
First- Designee of the who will make recommendation to the Superintendent who is only person that can modify
Second- Board of Directors
Any Other Violations Resulting in a Hearing
Superintendent or designee
*Bargaining Article 9
*Expulsions are the only appeals that go to the Board of Directors (not delayed expulsions)