Early Childhood Team
Early Childhood and Kindergarten TransitionTeams
The Early Childhood Team is comprised of highly experienced professionals including general education and special education teachers, school psychologists, speech language pathologists, and motor therapists.
Enrolling in Kindergarten
If you are working with Portland Public Schools to develop an IEP for kindergarten, because your child received preschool special education services and has an IFSP, your child will be enrolled automatically in your neighborhood school. You will be able to verify demographic information and upload required verification documents at the end of summer through ParentVUE. If you are granted enrollment into an immersion program or PPS school other than your neighborhood school your students enrollment will reflect that change.
Ages & Stages Questionnaire
Click here to fill out the ASQ
PPS Early Learners
Supporting Families and the district for early learning
Focus Classroom Overviews
FACT Oregon Kindergarten Transition Pamphlet
PPS is not responsible for contents on external sites or servers.
To examine milestones from birth to five years download the comprehensive ECT Important Milestones Brochure. The brochure includes milestones for social & emotional, cognitive, language, movement, and hand & fingers skill development.
To help develop Kindergarten IEP's we may have families fill out the Family IEP Participation Form.
Evaluations birth to 5 years
The Early Childhood Team conducts comprehensive developmental evaluations for children birth to 5 years old who are suspected of having a disability. The team determines eligibility for Early Intervention, Early Childhood Special Education and school age eligibilities.
Once children are determined to be eligible for services, Multnomah Early Childhood Program (MECP) will work with families to develop an Individual Family Service Plan. For more information about early childhood services, contact MECP at 503-261-5535.Evaluation Referrals
Multnomah County Early Intervention
Preschool / Head Start Opportunities
Transition to Kindergarten
The Early Childhood Team supports children and families through transition - the move from Early Childhood Special Education services to Kindergarten. This process happens during the school year before the child attends Kindergarten.
The team reviews the child's eligibility for special education and provides any additional evaluation that may be needed. Families are provided information about the process of transition from preschool to school-age services and opportunities for school choice.
The Kindergarten program is provided current information about the student. Successful teaching techniques and materials can be shared with receiving teachers or programs.