• IBW 9th Grade FORECASTING for the 2024-2025 School Year

    Welcome incoming 9th grade students!  We are excited to have you forecast for your 9th grade classes and join Ida B. Wells HS!

    For Robert Gray Middle School and Jackson Middle School Students
    Once you read all the directions, review the forecasting worksheet, and explore our curriculum in our forecasting guides, you will be ready to fill out your forecasting Google Form. The forecasting Google Form is the only item that needs to be submitted - this finalizes your choices for next year.  The Google Form needs to be submitted by Tuesday, Jan. 30. Counselors will return to the middle schools to meet with students to answer any questions.

    Forecasting Directions - Follow these steps for a successful forecasting experience.

    Step 1Listen to the IBW counselors presentation at Robert Gray or Jackson Middle Schools on January 9th or January 10th or review this Slide Deck or this Slide Deck with Voice Over

    Step 2: Review the Freshman Forecasting Worksheet to see which courses are required and what electives are available to you.  This is for reference only.  This worksheet will NOT be turned in.

    Step 3: Consult the 2024-2025 Forecast Guide or our Interactive Course Guide to read about each course that interests you.  

    Step 4: Fill out this Google Form with your class choices.  You will primarily be choosing electives, support classes or world language courses. Core classes will be automatically assigned to you. The Google Form is the only way that your class choices are recorded for next year. 

    Step 5: Submit the Google Form by January 30

    Step 6: Counselors will return to Jackson MS on February 2nd and to Robert Gray MS on (TBD) to review and finalize your choices. 


    All Other Schools
    Counselors will visit AccessOdyssey and Portland Jewish Academy in mid-January to meet with students and review the forecasting materials. Students from these schools and all other middle schools should complete their Google form by January 30th.

    Follow the steps above with a DEADLINE of January 30th

    If you have not yet enrolled for the 2024-2025 School Year, click here for instructions: Enrollment Instructions

    *If your student has never attended any PPS school in the past, click the "New Student" tab and complete online enrollment. For 2024-2025 enrollment, the online version   will not be available by the district until March 2024. If you would like to enroll your student prior to that, you can complete the paper registration.

    *If your student has previously attended a PPS school at any time in the past, you will need to click the "Returning Student" tab and fill out a paper registration form.

    Other Important Information:

    • Talk to your world language teachers for an appropriate placement option. 
    • Math placement will be assigned by your current math teacher.
    • Contact information for IBW Counselors: IBW Counselors Contact Information
    • For any general forecasting questions, you can also call the Ida B. Wells HS Main Office at 503-916-5280.