Oregon Tribes Bibliography

Resource List

This listing of resources was developed for teachers and students in an effort to provide a reference and gain background information on the Native American experience in Oregon. This list was prepared by the Oregon Department of Education with assistance from Oregon Tribes and the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Tribal Library.




Reference to Oregon Tribes – general:

Atwood, Kay. Illahe: the Story of Settlement in the Rogue River Canyon. Oregon State University Press,

Beckham, Stephen Dow. Oregon Indians: Voices from Two Centuries. Oregon State University Press,

Beckham, Stephen Dow. The Indians of Western Oregon: This Land Was Theirs. Arago Books, 1977.

Berg, Laura. The First Oregonians. Oregon Council for the Humanities, 2007.

Boyd, Robert T. People of the Dalles: the Indians of Wascopam Mission. University of Nebraska Press,

Clark, Ella E. Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest. University of California Press, 2003.

Cressman, L.S. The Sandal and the Cave. Beaver Books, 1960.

Douthit, Nathan. Uncertain Encounters: Indians and Whites at Peace and War in Southern Oregon,

        1820s-1860s. Oregon State University Press, 2002.

Fisher, Andrew H. Shadow Tribe: The Making of Columbia River Indian Identity. University of

        Washington Press, 2015.

Gitzen, Garry D. Nehalem Indians and Francis Drake 1579: Selected Writings from Francis Drake in      

        Nehalem Bay 1579, Setting the Record Straight. Fort Nehalem Pub., 2009.

Hines, Donald M. The Forgotten Tribes: Oral Tales of the Teninos and Adjacent Mid-Columbia River

        Indian Nations. Great Eagle Pub., 1991.

Mihesuah, Devon Abbott. American Indians: Stereotypes & Realities. Clarity Press, 2004.

Miller, Robert J., and Elizabeth Furse. Native America, Discovered and Conquered: Thomas Jefferson,

        Lewis and Clark, and Manifest Destiny. University of Nebraska Press, 2008.

ODonnell, Terence. An Arrow in the Earth: General Joel Palmer and the Indians of Oregon. Oregon

        Historical Society Press, 1992.

Pepper, Floy. “Indians in Oregon Today.” Blm.gov, Publications and Multimedia Center Oregon

        Department of Education, 2004, https://www.blm.gov/or/resources/recreation/tablerock/


Ramsey, Jarold. Coyote Was Going There: Indian Literature of the Oregon Country. Univ. of

        Washington Press, 1990.

Roberts, Wilma, and Carolyn Z. Shelton. Celilo Falls: Remembering Thunder ; Photographs from the

        Collection of Wilma Roberts. Wasco County Historical Museum Press, 1997.

Rubin, Rick, and Rene Denfeld. Naked Against the Rain: The People of the Lower Columbia River, 1770-

  1. 1830. Pharos Editions, an Imprint of Counterpoint, 2016.

Schlick, Mary Dodds. Columbia River Basketry: Gift of the Ancestors, Gift of the Earth. University of

        Washington Press, 2002.

Ulrich, Roberta. Empty Nets: Indians, Dams, and the Columbia River. Oregon State University Press,

Van Laere, M.Susan. Fine Words & Promises: a History of Indian Policy and Its Impact on the Coast

        Reservation Tribes of Oregon in the Last Half of the Nineteenth Century. Serendip Historical

        Research, 2010.

Watt, Lisa J., et al. “Oregon Is Indian Country The Nine Federally Recognized Tribes of Oregon Student

        Magazine.” Oregon Is Indian Country The Nine Federally Recognized Tribes of Oregon Student

        Magazine, 2009.

Williams, Chuck. Bridge of the Gods, Mountains of Fire: a Return to the Columbia Gorge. Friends of the

        Earth, 1993.

Zucker, Jeff, Hummel, Kay, and HØgfoss, Bob. Oregon Indians. Oregon Historical Society, 1983.


Reference to the Burns Paiute Tribe:  

Bright, Ruth McGilvra. Prehistory and History of Harney Area: A Cultural Resources Overview. Bureau of

         Land Management, Burns, Oregon, 1981.

Buan, C. M., & Lewis, R. (1991). The first Oregonians: An illustrated collection of essays on traditional

         lifeways, federal-Indian relations, and the states native people today. Portland, OR: Oregon

         Council for the Humanities.

Couture, Marilyn Dunlap. Recent and Contemporary Foraging Practices of The Harney Valley Paiute.

         Thesis. Portland; State University, 1978.

Kirkpatrick, J. (2008). Love to water my soul: A novel. Colorado Springs, CO: Multnomah Books.

Ogle, J., & Chocktoot, C. (n.d.). Fort Rock and Paisley Cave Descendants - The Chocktoot Bands of the

          Paiute Snake Tribes. Bend, OR: Maverick Publications.

Stewart, Omer C. The Northern Paiute Bands. Anthropological Records, 2:3. Berkeley, California:

          University of California Press, 1939.

Stowell, S. J. (2008). The Wada-Tika of the former Malheur Indian Reservation. Davis, CA: University of

          California Davis.

Wheat, M. M. (1977). Survival Arts of the Primitive Paiutes. Reno, NV: University of Nevada Press.

Winnemucca, Sarah, and Mary Tyler Peabody Mann. Life among the Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims.

           Arcadia Press, 2017.


Reference to the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw:  

Beck, David R.M. Seeking Recognition: The Termination and Restoration of the Coos, Lower Umpqua,

         and Siuslaw Indians, 1855-1984. University of Nebraska Press, 2009.

Frachtenberg, Leo Joachim. Coos Texts. AMS Press, 1969.

Frachtenberg, Leo Joachim, and Franz Boas. Siuslawan (Lower Umpqua): an Illustrative Sketch. G.P.O.,


Frachtenberg, Leo Joachim. Lower Umpqua Texts and Notes on the Kusan Dialects. Nabu Press, 2010.

Phillips, Patricia Whereat. Ethnobotany of the Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians. Oregon State

          University Press, 2016.

Whereat, Don, et al. “The Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians: Our

          Culture and History.” City of Yachats, 2010,


Youst, Lionel. Shes Tricky like Coyote: Annie Miner Peterson, an Oregon Coast Indian Woman. Univ. of

          Oklahoma Pr., 1997.


Reference to the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians

Beckham, Stephen Dow. Oregon Indians: Voices from Two Centuries. Oregon State University Press,


Beckham, Stephen Dow. The Indians of Western Oregon: This Land Was Theirs. Arago Books, 1977.

Beckham, Stephen Dow. Requiem for a People The Rogue Indians and the Frontiersmen. Oregon State

          Univ. Press, 1998.

Beeson, John. A Plea for the Indians: with Facts and Figures of the Late War in Oregon. Ye Galleon

          Press, 1998.

Cone, Joseph, and Sandy Ridlington. The Northwest Salmon Crisis: a Documentary History. Oregon

          State University Press, 1999.

Gogol, John M. American Indian Basketry and Other Native Arts. American Indian Basketry, 1985.

Kent, William Eugene. The Siletz Indian Reservation, 1855-1900. Lincoln County Historical Society,

Letson Kasner, Leona. Survival For An Artifact” - Siletz Indian Basketry. Lincoln County Historical

          Society, 1976.

ODonnell, Terence. An Arrow in the Earth: General Joel Palmer and the Indians of Oregon. Oregon

          Historical Society Press, 1992.

Schwartz, E. A. The Rogue River Indian War and Its Aftermath, 1850-1980. Univ Of Oklahoma Press,

Stewart, Hilary. Artifacts of the Northwest Coast Indians. Hancock House, 1981.

Stewart, Hilary, and Bill Reid. Cedar: Tree of Life to the Northwest Indians. University of Washington

          Press, 1984.

Stewart, Hilary. Indian Fishing: Early Methods on the Northwest Coast. Douglas & McIntyre, 2018.

Stewart, Hilary. Stone, Bone, Antler and Shell: Artifacts of the Northwest Coast. Douglas and McIntyre,

Sturtevant, William C. Handbook of the North American Indians. Smithsonian Institution, 1978.

           Vol. 7 (Northwest Coast), Vol. 8 (California) and Vol. 12 (Plateau) Smithsonian Institution.

Van Laere, M. Susan Fine Words & Promises: a History of Indian Policy and Its Impact on the Coast

           Reservation Tribes of Oregon in the Last Half of the Nineteenth Century. Serendip Historical

           Research, 2010.

Wilkinson, Charles F. The People Are Dancing Again: the History of the Siletz Tribe of Western Oregon.

           University of Washington Press, 2010.

Youst, Lionel, and William R. Seaburg. Coquelle Thompson, Athabaskan Witness: a Cultural Biography.

           University of Oklahoma Press, 2002.

Youst, Lionel. Shes Tricky like Coyote: Annie Miner Peterson, an Oregon Coast Indian Woman. Univ. of

           Oklahoma Pr., 1997.


Reference to the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon:

Beckham, Stephen Dow. Requiem for a People The Rogue Indians and the Frontiersmen. Oregon State

           Univ. Press, 1998.

Bensell, Royal Augustus, and Gunter Barth. All Quiet on the Yamhill: the Civil War in Oregon: the

           Journal of Corporal Royal A. Bensell. University of Oregon Press, 2001.

Cawley, Martinus. Father Crockett of Grand Ronde: Adrien-Joseph Croquet, 1818-1902, Oregon Indian

          Missionary, 1860-1898: a Life in Honor of the 125th Anniversary of His Arrival. Guadalupe

          Translations, 1996.

Chinuk Wawa: Kakwa Nsayka Ulman-Tilixam Laska Munk-Kemteks Nsayka = As Our Elders Teach Us

          to Speak It. Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon, 2012.

Daehnke, Jon Darin. Chinook Resilience: Heritage and Cultural Revitalization on the Lower Columbia

         River. University of Washington Press, 2017.

Jacobs, Elizabeth Derr. The Nehalem Tillamook: an Ethnography. Oregon State University Press, 2003.

Juntunen, Judy Rycraft., et al. The World of the Kalapuya: a Native People of Western Oregon. Benton

          County Historical Society and Museum, 2005.

Kenoyer, Louis. My Life - 1868-1937. Oregon State University Press, 2017.

Kasner, Leone Letson. Siletz, Survival for an Artifact. Itemizer-Observer, 1980.

Lampman, Evelyn Sibley., and Richard Bennett. Witch Doctors Son. Doubleday, 1954.

Lampman, Evelyn Sibley., and Richard Bennett. Treasure Mountain. Oregon Historical Society Press,


Mackey, Harold. The Kalapuyans: a Sourcebook on the Indians of the Willamette Valley. Mission Mill

           Museum Association, 2004.

Olson, Kristine. Standing Tall: the Lifeway of Kathryn Jones Harrison, Chair of the Confederated Tribes

           of the Grand Ronde Community. Oregon Historical Society Press in Association with University of

           Washington Press, 2005.

Pearson, Clara, et al. Nehalem Tillamook Tales. Oregon State University Press, 1990.

Ruby, Robert H., and John A. Brown. The Chinook Indians: Traders of the Lower Columbia River.

           University of Oklahoma Press, 1988.

Summers, R. W., and Martinus Cawley. Indian Journal of Rev. R.W. Summers: First Episcopal Priest of

           Seattle (1871-73) and of McMinnville (1873-81). Guadalupe Translations, 1994.

Trafzer, Clifford E. The Chinook. Chelsea House, 1990.


Reference to the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation:  

Ahtone, Heather, Dobkins, Rebecca, and Roberts, Prudence F. Crows Shadow Institute of the Arts at

  1.   25. Hallie Ford Museum of Art, Willamette University, 2017.

Hunn, Eugene S., and James Selam. Nchi-wána, "the Big River": Mid-Columbia Indians and Their Land.

            University of Washington Press, 1990.

Hunn, Eugene S., et al. Čáw pawá láakni/They Are Not Forgotten: Sahaptian Place Names Atlas of

            the Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla. Tamástslikt Cultural Institute, 2015.

Karson, Jennifer. Wiyaxayxt/ Wiyaakaa’awn/As Days Go By: Our History, Our Land, Our People – The

           Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla. Univ Of Washington Press, 2015.

“My Counting Book.” Tamstslikt Cultural Institute, www.tamastslikt.org/shop/books/my-


Ruby, Robert H., et al. The Cayuse Indians: Imperial Tribesmen of Old Oregon. University of Oklahoma

           Press, 2005.


Reference to the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs:  

Aguilar, George W. When the River Ran Wild!: Indian Traditions on the Mid-Columbia and the Warm

            Springs Reservation. Oregon Historical Society Press, 2005.

The People of Warm Springs: Profile: the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of

            Oregon. Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, 1984.


Reference to the Coquille Indian Tribe:

Hall, Roberta L. The Coquille Indians: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Words and Pictures

           Unlimited, 1991.

Hall, Roberta L., and Don Alan. Hall. People of the Coquille Estuary: Native Use of Resources on the

           Oregon Coast: an Investigation of Cultural and Environmental Change in the Bandon Area

           Employing Archaeology, Ethnology, Human Biology, and Geology. Words & Pictures Unlimited,


Thompson, Coquelle, et al. Pitch Woman and Other Stories: the Oral Traditions of Coquelle Thompson,

           Upper Coquille Athabaskan Indian. University of Nebraska Press, 2007.

Youst, Lionel, and William R. Seaburg. Coquelle Thompson, Athabaskan Witness: a Cultural Biography.

           University of Oklahoma Press, 2002.

Youst, Lionel. Shes Tricky like Coyote: Annie Miner Peterson, an Oregon Coast Indian Woman. Univ. of

           Oklahoma Pr., 1997.


Reference to the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians:

Beckham, Stephen Dow. Land of the Umpqua: a History of Douglas County, Oregon. Douglas County

           Commissioners, 1986.

Cow Creek Umpqua Traditional Plant Guide. Cow Creek Umpqua Traditional Plant Guide, Cow Creek

           Umpqua Tribe.

Riddle, George W. History of Early Days in Oregon. Andesite Press, 2017.

Sapir, Edward. Takelma Texts, by Edward Sapir. 1909.

Stewart, Hilary, and Bill Reid. Cedar: Tree of Life to the Northwest Indians. University of Washington

            Press, 1984.

Stewart, Hilary. Drink in the Wild: Teas, Cordials, Jams and More. Douglas & McIntyre, 2002.

Stewart, Hilary. Indian Fishing: Early Methods on the Northwest Coast. Douglas & McIntyre, 2018.


Reference to the Klamath Tribes:

Arnold, Mary Ellicott., and Mabel Reed. In the Land of the Grasshopper Song: Two Women in the

            Klamath River Indian Country in 1908-09. Bison, 2012.

James, Cheewa. Modoc: the Tribe That Wouldn’t Die. Naturegraph, 2008.

Gatschet, Albert S. The Klamath Indians of Southwestern Oregon. California Indian Library Collections,


Howe, Carrol. Ancient Tribes of the Klamath Country. Binford & Mort Pub, 1981.

McNally, Robert Aquinas. The Modoc War: a Story of Genocide at the Dawn of Americas Gilded Age.

             University of Nebraska Press, 2017.

Riddle, Jeff C. Indian History of the Modoc War: and the Causes That Led to It (Classic Reprint).

             Forgotten Books, 2015.

Stern, Theodore. The Klamath Tribe: a People and Their Reservation. Theodore Stern. London, 1965.


TREATIES (Primary Source Documents for examples)


Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians, Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, and Coquille Indian Tribe – unratified Oregon Coast Tribes Treaty of 1855

Oregon Coast Tribes Treaty of 1855 - Coquilletribe.org. www.coquilletribe.org/wp-



Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde

  • Treaty with the Umpqua-Cow Creek Band 1853
  • Treaty with the Rogue River 1853
  • Treaty with the Rogue River 1854
  • Treaty with the Chasta 1854
  • Treaty with the Umpqua and Kalapuya, 1854
  • Treaty with the Kalapuya, etc. 1855
  • Treaty with the Molala 1855

“Eighth Grade Curriculum.” Eighth Grade Curriculum | The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Lesson

             06 Laws and Treaties, www.grandronde.org/about/tribal-history/eighth-grade-curriculum/.


Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians


- The Oregon Coast Tribes Treaty of 1855.  

- Treaty with the Chasta, Scoton and Grave Creek Umpqua Treaty 1854 (mid Rogue River Tribes)

- Treaty with the Kalapuya, etc. 1855 (also called the Willamette Tribes Treaty)

- Treaty with the Molala 1855 (also called the “Molel” treaty – southern Molala/Molalla peoples)

- Treaty with the Rogue River 1853

- Treaty with the Rogue River 1854

- Treaty with the Umpqua-Cow Creek Band 1853

- Treaty with the Umpqua and Kalapuya, 1854


Note: Although these were the primary treaties, there were others in 1850-51, and 1854 which were signed with various ancestral tribes, but which were not ratified - and have no legal effect. They extended through western Oregon, and upper Klamath River areas (Shasta country) of Northern California.


Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla) – June 9, 1855 - Ratified March 8, 1959

Floy, Pepper. “Indians in Oregon Today - Bureau of Land Management.” Indians in Oregon Today,

             Oregon Department of Education, 2004,

             www.blm.gov/or/resources/recreation/tablerock/files/Indians_OR_today.pdf. Revision Version.


Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs – June 25, 1855 – Treaty of Wasco, Columbia River, Oregon Territory with the Taih, Wyam, Tenino, & Dock-Spus Bands of the Walla-Walla, and the Dalles, Ki-Gal-Twal-La, and the Dog River Bands of the Wasco - Ratified March 8, 1859 (first treaty)

“TREATY WITH THE TRIBES OF MIDDLE OREGON, 1855.” U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,



Treaty with the Middle Oregon Tribes (Warm Springs) – November 15, 1865 – Ratified March 2, 1867 (second treaty)

“TREATY WITH THE TRIBES OF MIDDLE OREGON, 1855.” U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,



Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians - September 19, 1853 – ratified April 12, 1854

Floy, Pepper. “Indians in Oregon Today - Bureau of Land Management.” Indians in Oregon Today,

              Oregon Department of Education, 2004,

              www.blm.gov/or/resources/recreation/tablerock/files/Indians_OR_today.pdf. Revision



Klamath Tribes – October 14, 1864 – ratified July 2, 1866

Floy, Pepper. “Indians in Oregon Today - Bureau of Land Management.” Indians in Oregon Today,

              Oregon Department of Education, 2004,

              www.blm.gov/or/resources/recreation/tablerock/files/Indians_OR_today.pdf. Revision      




 “American Cowboys: Early Days of Pendleton Roundup, Champion Jackson Sundown.”

              FirstNationsFilms, 1998.

Cain, Eric. “Broken Treaties, An Oregon Experience.” Oregon Public Broadcasting, OPB, 26 Apr. 2017,



Council, Siuslaw Watershed. “Jesse Beers, Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and

              Siuslaw Indians.” YouTube, YouTube, 11 Feb. 2019, www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSwWEdlhiBg.

“Dark Waters: The Reservation Years.” The Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw

              Indians, 2007. Note: Contact Jesse Beers, Cultural Stewardship Manager, Confederated Tribes

              of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw – 541-297-0748 or jbeers@ctclusi.org for copy of video

FirstNationsFilms. “American Cowboys - Preview.” YouTube, YouTube, 2 Dec. 2013,


pacificmediapro.com. “Skookum Tillicum: The Strong People Of Siletz.” YouTube, YouTube, 3 Mar.

              2014, www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdSyQgOkats.

Media, Metzler. “Standing Strong The Tribal Nations of Western Oregon.” YouTube, YouTube, 26 Mar.

              2015, www.youtube.com/watch?v=-43tfBzWfDE.

“Skookum Tillicum: The Strong People of Siletz.” Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon, 2002.

The CRITFC. “My Strength Is From the Fish: Chinook Trilogy Vol. 1.” YouTube, YouTube, 19 Feb. 2013,


The CRITFC. “Empty Promises, Empty Nets: Chinook Trilogy Vol. 2.” YouTube, YouTube, 19 Feb. 2013,


The CRITFC. “Matter of Trust: Chinook Trilogy Vol. 3.” YouTube, YouTube, 19 Feb. 2013,


“The People Are Dancing Again.” Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon, 2002.


              Charles Wilkinson.” YouTube, YouTube, 7 May 2010,




Burns Paiute Tribe: TU'KWA HONE Newsletter

Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians: Siletz News

Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation: Confederated Umatilla Journal (CUJ)

Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs: Spilyay Tymoo-Coyote News

Klamath Tribes: Klamath News

The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon: Smoke Signals

The Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Newsletter: The Voice of CLUSI




Burns Paiute Tribe



Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw



 The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon



Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians



Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation



Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs



Coquille Indian Tribe



Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians



Klamath Tribes
