World LanguagesMission
- All students can learn a second language.
- Learning takes place in a variety of settings and styles.
- A proficiency-based approach and use of best practices leads to competence.
- A substantial body of research continues to support the many benefits of starting second language acquisition as early as possible.
- A long sequenced, articulated program of study results in higher levels of proficiency.
- Second language learning fosters a sense of humanity and friendship along with an increasing understanding and sensitivity to other languages and cultures.
- Second language learning provides insights into one's first language.
- Learning one second language facilitates the learning of additional languages.
- Proficiency in a second language is an asset in many careers and for professional advancement.
- Skills and concepts acquired through a second language transfer to one's first language.
Objective: Provide access for all students to take AP/IB World Language (Intermediate High) and achieve a Seal of Biliteracy (Inter-High) by raising the proficiency outcomes of High School World Language years 1-4.
Additional Information
2025-2026 WL Scope & Sequence documents coming soon.
Credit by Exam: World Language Credit by Exam is earned by taking the STAMP, WorldSpeak, or the AAPPL. Please visit the Multiple Pathways to Graduation site for more details.
NCSSFL-ACTFL Can Do Statements
Student Friendly NCSSFL-ACTFL based rubric continuum for productive skills (speaking & writing)
For additional information please contact Jennifer Anderson (jeanderson@pps.net) or Lihong Dai (ldai@pps.net).