• DLI Late Entry (Grades 1-12)



    • DLI Late Entry Assessments

    At grade levels beyond kindergarten, families must submit a lottery/open enrollment application to the Enrollment and Transfer Center.  In order for petitions to be approved, space must be available at the specific grade level and school.  If space is identified, partner language learners must pass a language proficiency assessment demonstrating that they are at grade level in reading, writing, speaking and listening in the partner language. Chinese, Japanese and Russian students who are native speakers of the partner language must be assessed on reading and writing if they request to enter the DLI program in Grade 3 and above due to the non-romanized alphabet system.  Assessments for Late Entry are conducted in summer and during the school year.

    Lottery applications are accepted during the dates published on the Transfer website.  Open Enrollment applications are available after the lottery has run through September 30.  After September 30 transfers are limited to native speakers of the partner language, if space is available.  Please contact Enrollment and Transfer for more information.

    2023/24 Late Entry Assessment Schedule (For testing into Grades 4 - 12)


    You can apply and find out more about the application process on the Enrollment and Transfer Center website.