Healthy and Safe Schools
Healthy and Safe Schools
Radon Program
Radon Update - March, 2024
PPS has conducted some recommended 5-year radon testing at select schools and has updated these results in the chart below. The selected schools previously had radon mitigation systems installed. Required testing is every ten years. PPS tests some schools every year, instead of all schools at once every ten years. From the 2023-2024 short-term testing, 16 schools got tested and recorded low levels of Radon and only 2 schools are having mitigation work in progress.
Archived Updates:
Radon Update - August 7, 2019
- César Chávez: This summer, PPS contracted with Cascade Radon to design and install systems to mitigate radon in rooms 19, 152, 163, and 164. The design systems put in place by Cascade Radon are actively mitigating radon below the action levels as expected and the rooms are ready to use. The normal course of mitigation includes an initial design system to prove effectiveness, followed by construction of the permanent mitigation system to the proven design specifications, followed by validation of the permanent mitigation system during the winter heating season, which is October 1 – March 31. At all times there is a radon mitigation system operating, regardless of whether the system is the design system or the permanent system. In addition, Risk Management maintains a contract for 3rd party radon testing. Risk Management will have periodic testing occur between the start of school and the validation of the permanent system.
2019-2020: The 2019-2020 Radon testing plan will be published by November 1, 2019 and posted to this page.
Radon Update - February 6, 2019
- César Chávez: Short-term follow-up testing in rooms 19, Media Office 152, 163, and 164 have confirmed the need for radon mitigation. Report available at this link Cesar Chavez 2-5-19. PPS will contract for the development and construction of radon mitigation at Cesar Chavez. We look forward to sharing the contract details and mitigation timelines within a few weeks. These rooms will remain out of service until mitigated.
- Lane/ACCESS (updated): The Lane building now has two (2) completed radon mitigation systems. Final completion and validation of the mitigation system for room 117A is finished (Read Here). In May of 2018, the mitigation system for room 126 was also completed (Read Here). Short-term follow-up testing in rooms 131, 180, 184, 186, and 196 has determined that no further action is required at this time. Results are available via these links Lane/ACCESS 1-18-19 and Lane/ACCESS 1-28-19. For next school year, we are working to secure a multi-year contract to provide for comprehensive whole-building analysis of all prior radon test reports and building conditions, and expert-hosted public meetings. We look forward to sharing the details when available. All regularly occupied ground level rooms at Lane will be re-tested every five (5) years in accordance with Oregon Health Authority (OHA) protocols.
Radon Update - January 14, 2019
- César Chávez: Results are in from the December 2018 short-term initial testing of all occupied ground level rooms. Results at this LINK. Short-term follow-up testing in rooms 019, Media Office 152, Room 163, and Room 164 will occur in the next few weeks with CRMs (continuous radon monitors). More results soon.
- Green Thumb: Results are in from the December 2018 short-term initial testing of all occupied ground level rooms. Results at this LINK. No results exceeded the action level. The Green Thumb campus will be tested again within 10 years.
- Lane: A mitigation system is currently under construction for room 117A. Results are in from the December 2018 short-term initial testing of all occupied ground level rooms. Results at this LINK. Short-term follow-up testing in rooms 131, 180, 184, 186, and 196 is underway with CRMs (continuous radon monitors). More results soon.
Radon Update - July 2018
As of July 2018, approximately $335,000 has been spent for radon testing and mitigation. Testing has been completed in nearly every school, resulting in the need for the installation of 20 radon mitigation systems at 16 schools. Schools affected by major construction in the last two years will be tested during the 2018-2019 winter heating season. The 2018-2019 radon testing plan will be published and posted by Risk Management by September 1, 2018. The PPS Healthy and Safe Schools web page is up to date and is the source data for radon updates.
Summary of radon mitigation work upcoming and in progress:
- César Chávez: Initial short-term radon re-testing will occur during the 2018-2019 winter heating season. 2017 testing determined César Chávez would require a radon mitigation system in Room 19. The re-test process is due to the recent installation of a new elevator. Per Oregon Health Authority protocol, re-testing must occur after major construction.
- Lane: Additional testing will occur during the 2018-2019 winter heating season due to a test in early June 2018 that came back with higher results in room 117A.
- Roosevelt, Faubion, and Franklin: Initial short-term radon testing will occur during the 2018-2019 winter heating season. These locations are new construction sites that were unavailable during the 2016 and 2017 testing cycle.
- Green Thumb and the PEC: Sites not yet tested before the 2021 deadline will be tested during the 2018-2019 winter heating season.
- Marysville: Test results determined radon mitigation was required for rooms 137, 138, and 139. The design system was proven to be effective and will continue to run during the 2018-2019 winter heating season. Asbestos abatement is needed, and will be planned, for the crawlspace, where components of the permanent radon mitigation system will be installed.
Background story:
With the passage of the May 2017 bond, just over 1.1 million dollars became available to mitigate radon levels in Portland Public Schools. Initial short-term radon testing of all occupied ground floor rooms was completed in 2016 and early 2017. The project cost was over $100,000. Some locations will require re-testing during the winter heating season due to changes such as construction or HVAC programming. The deadline for Oregon school districts to complete initial short-term radon testing is January 1, 2021.
Testing is described in the PPS annual radon plans available on this web page, and is performed in accordance with the Oregon Health Authority protocol titled “Testing for Elevated Radon in Oregon Schools - A Protocol and Plan”. The 2018/2019 Radon Testing Plan will be posted by September 1, 2018. The plan will outline future radon testing, which is required in ten-year intervals for locations with initial results less than 4 pCi/L. For locations with mitigation systems installed, future testing is required at five-year intervals.
A spreadsheet of results is available on this web page. See the links titled “Initial Short Term Radon Test Results”, “What your Radon Test Results Mean”, etc.
By testing well in advance of the January 1, 2021 deadline, knowledge is available now that most rooms in PPS schools are below the action level of 4 pCi/L (picocuries per liter). Likewise, learning which rooms require long term testing (4-8 pCi/L) or radon mitigation systems, is being discovered now and follow-up work is in progress.
The status of sites requiring mitigation is listed here. Portland Public Schools is contracted with PBS Engineering and Environmental for testing and analyzing radon results. Competitive bidding is utilized to contract for the construction of radon mitigation systems. The work is bid with a requirement for a 10-year warranty. A 10-year warranty period allows for two cycles of regulatory testing to be completed while within the warranty period.
Summary of completed radon mitigation systems:
- Lent: Permanent radon mitigation systems were constructed and are operating in the main building and the music building. Project costs were $48,085. All regularly occupied ground level rooms at Lent will be re-tested every five years in accordance with Oregon Health Authority protocols.
- Meek: Permanent radon mitigation systems were constructed and are operating in the cafeteria and for rooms 103 and 107. All regularly occupied ground level rooms at Meek will be re-tested every five years in accordance with Oregon Health Authority protocols.
- Skyline: A permanent radon mitigation system was installed in room 105A. All regularly occupied ground level rooms at Skyline will be re-tested every five years in accordance with Oregon Health Authority protocols.
- Jefferson: A permanent radon mitigation system was installed to mitigate rooms A36 and A75 (room numbers on original blueprints). All regularly occupied ground level rooms at Jefferson will be re-tested every five years in accordance with Oregon Health Authority protocols.
- Ockley Green: Permanent radon mitigation systems were constructed and are operating in the gym, PE office (room 307), and the principal’s office. All regularly occupied ground level rooms at Ockley Green will be re-tested every five years in accordance with Oregon Health Authority protocols.
- Peninsula: A permanent radon mitigation system was installed to mitigate the boiler room. All regularly occupied ground level rooms at Peninsula will be re-tested every five years in accordance with Oregon Health Authority protocols.
- Beaumont: A permanent radon mitigation system was installed to mitigate the gym/26A. All regularly occupied ground level rooms at Beaumont will be re-tested every five years in accordance with Oregon Health Authority protocols.
- Vernon: A permanent radon mitigation system was installed to mitigate the kitchen. All regularly occupied ground level rooms at Vernon will be re-tested every five years in accordance with Oregon Health Authority protocols.
- Kelly: A permanent radon mitigation system was installed to mitigate the cafeteria and custodial closet. A mitigation system from early 2000s is also in place at Kelly. All regularly occupied ground level rooms at Kelley will be re-tested every five years in accordance with Oregon Health Authority protocols.
- Roseway Heights: A permanent radon mitigation system was installed to mitigate the Boiler Room. All regularly occupied ground level rooms at Roseway Heights will be re-tested every five years in accordance with Oregon Health Authority protocols.
- Wilcox: A permanent radon mitigation system was installed to mitigate the Boiler room, Room 16, and Conference Room 1. All regularly occupied ground level rooms at Wilcox will be re-tested every five years in accordance with Oregon Health Authority protocols.
- Edwards: A permanent radon mitigation system was installed to mitigate room 6D. All regularly occupied ground level rooms at Edwards will be re-tested every five years in accordance with Oregon Health Authority protocols.
- Lane: A permanent radon mitigation system was installed to mitigate Room 126. All regularly occupied ground level rooms at Lane will be re-tested every five years in accordance with Oregon Health Authority protocols.
PPS has consulted with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) for guidance on immediate public health risks from radon. While long-term exposure to radon presents a health risk, there are no imminent short-term health risks. You can find more information on the OHA website and the radon section of the PPS Healthy and Safe Schools web page.
If you have any questions about testing and plans moving forward please direct them to
Joe Crelier
Director, Risk Management
Radon Monitoring Results
What your Radon Test Results Mean (click here)
Initial Short Term Testing Results
Initial Short Term Radon Test Results as of 3/1/2017
Repeat Short Term Testing Results
CRM Report 6/14/16 (Beaumont, Lent, Marysville, Meek (Alliance H. S.), Roseway Heights, Whitman)
CRM Report 6/22/16 (Lent, Peninsula, Whitman, Wilcox)
CRM Results 12/13/16 (Beaumont, Roseway Heights, Wilcox)
CRM Report 12/18/16 (Lent, Marysville, Whitman)
CRM Report 1/31/17 (Peninsula, Ockley Green, Jefferson, Skyline)
CRM Report 2/7/17 (Jefferson H.S., Peninsula, Skyline, Ockley Green)
CRM Report 2/9/17 (Ockley Green Gym)
CRM Report 2/14/17 (Ockley Green Gym South)
CRM Report 2/14/17 (Ockley Green Gym North)
CRM Report 3/9/17 (Ockley Green, Skyline)
CRM Report 3/30/17 (Ockley Green Gym)
CRM Report 7/31/17 (Peninsula boiler room)
CRM Report 1/10/19 (Cesar Chavez)
CRM Report 1/10/19 (Green Thumb)
Long Term Testing Results
2016-2017 Long-Term Radon Testing Memo
Final Long Term Testing Results of the 2016-2017 School Year.
Historical Testing Results
Radon FAQ's
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