System of Support
System of Support
MTSS Mission
The MTSS department supports schools in the development of practices that strengthen sustainable data-informed tiered systems of support (academic, behavior and social emotional) through relationship building, focused training, and strategic coaching, in order to ensure schools have the systems needed to guarantee equitable outcomes for all students.
What is MTSS?
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a framework focused on prevention and problem solving for all students using decision-making based on data. MTSS uses evidence-based instruction, intervention and assessment practices to ensure that every student receives the appropriate level of support based on their level of need. Attention is focused on creating and sustaining Tier I support (universal), Tier II intervention (targeted group), and Tier III intervention (individual) systems to help eliminate barriers to learning and enable every student to successfully reach their full potential.
The MTSS department in Portland Public Schools provides resources, guidance and support for multiple elements of MTSS in Portland Public Schools. Use the links below or on the left of the screen to view each area.