Parent and Staff Resources
This page is a compilation of basic documents and web links that are used most often by PPS school staff, parents, and Student Transportation staff. We will strive to use this page to list all links and documents.
General Transportation (GT)/Big Bus Resources
- Schedules and Routes (Fall 2024 routes will be posted August 13, 2024)
This schedule is for the regular school year starting August and ending June. Summer school routes are not posted. New Fall updates are typically posted in late August.
School Finder Enrollment Web Page
An interactive map of school boundaries that is managed by the PPS Enrollment and Transfer Center.Snow Day documents (aka Snow Day)
Documents that the Transportation department references as part of our inclement weather mitigation strategy.GT (Big Bus) Hitcher forms
Parents of open transfer students may apply for permission for students to ride as hitchers on existing routes at existing stops. Limitations apply, please see the form for details. Submit the form to School Administrators.
English Spanish Chinese Russian Vietnamese SomaliTemporary Bus Pass Form
The purpose of this form is to allow for an Adult Volunteer, Parent, or School Staff Member to temporarily ride on a PPS bus service. Submit the form to School Administrators.
English Spanish Chinese Russian Vietnamese Somali
GT/Big Bus - School Administrator's Resources
Transportation Request Web Link (aka TD-6) School Administrators Only
Use this form to request stops, Hitchers, 504/ADAm TitleX, or a safety review.Transportation Request Web Form User Guide
Student Bus Tags
All PK through 3rd grade students are required to wear bus tags for the first 3 weeks of school. Pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and designated ESL students must wear yellow bus tags all year. These tags are only distributed by school staff.1-3 grades: White_BUS TAGS
Pre-kindergarten, kindergarten & designated ESL students: Yellow_BUS TAGS
Synergy Tag Report Instructions
Field Trip Request Links School Administrators Only
Transportation Registration and Data in Synergy
Secretaries have the ability to use Synergy to view transportation information and opt-in or out of Transportation Service for GT Students.Tri-Met Ticket Order Form (aka TD-96)
SUN School Transportation Request Form
Special Transportation (ST)/Small Bus Resources
Change of Drop-Off Status Forms (aka Leave Alone Form)
PPS requires all special education students be met at the door of the vehicle when being dropped at the home stop. This default status can be changed to be less restrictive using this form.
English Spanish Chinese Russian Vietnamese SomaliDrop-Off Status FAQs
English Spanish Chinese Russian Vietnamese SomaliCar Seat or Safety Support Vest Measurement Form
Please provide these measurements of your child so that we may ensure a proper fit for your student’s needs with either a CAR SEAT (or) a SAFETY SUPPORT SYSTEM. This requirement applies to students transported in our small Special Education buses and our students who ride in sedans and vans.
English Spanish Chinese Russian Vietnamese Somali
Car Seat Recommendations for ChildrenInstructions on how to measure for a safety vest
Small Bus Hitcher Form
Submit to School Administrators. Parents of students currently receiving special education transportation services may apply for permission of siblings to ride as hitchers on existing routes at existing stops when space is available. Limitations apply, please see form for details.
English Spanish Chinese Russian Vietnamese SomaliTemporary Bus Pass Form
The purpose of this form is to allow for an Adult Volunteer, Parent, or School Staff Member to temporarily ride on a PPS bus service. Submit the form to School Administrators.
English Spanish Chinese Russian Vietnamese SomaliInclement Weather Documents and Resources
Includes the SE parent alternative snow stop survey memo.PPS School Finder Enrollment Web Page
Here is an interactive map of school boundaries that is managed by the PPS Enrollment and Transfer Center.
ST/Small Bus - School Administrator’s Resources
ST Intake Web Link SE Administrators and Staff Only
SE Administrative coordinator’s link to the intake form.
Only works in Microsoft Internet Explorer.Field Trip Request Form Links School Administrators Only
Note: Trips are not implemented until the contractor(s) schedule the trips. This form is a request only.Tri-Met Ticket Request Form (aka TD-59) School Administrators Only
ST Intake Form - fillable and printable for staff.
Specialized Transportation Request Process Please view this information regarding Specialized Transportation implementation/amending in student IEP's.