Learning Technologies
Learning Technologies
Communication & News
To get regular Learning Tech updates about the Digital Toolkit, 1:1 Chromebooks, Canvas, and professional learning opportunities, please fill out this form to join our Edtech Listserv and Google Chat space.
The Learning Technologies Team supports the OTIS mission:
Ensure the success of all students by providing equitable, secure, sustainable, reliable, and innovative services for the PPS community.
Menu of Services
- Planning with school teams, PLCs, and departments
- Supporting leadership and TOSAs
Curriculum Support
- Content-area next practices
- Researching innovative tools and instructional strategies to support curriculum development
Professional Learning
- Technology integration and training for the PPS Digital Toolkit and other online resources
- Facilitating workshops
Technology Integration
- Co-teaching with a focus on technology standards
- Instructional support and strategies for technology integration
Learning Tech Lending Library
- STEAM kits, robotics sets, creativity materials, and more are available for check out by PPS teachers in grades K-12
- Kits may be checked out for up to four weeks at a time
- More information here
Learning Labs Residency
- A professional learning model that showcases technology integration lessons aligned with the district curriculum and instructional framework
- A residency takes place over a longer time period of several weeks