Minecraft EDU @PPS
Minecraft EDU @PPS
Minecraft EDU licenses and accounts are available for PPS teachers and students by request. At the start of the 2024-25 school year, students will no longer have access to Minecraft without it being requested for use by a teacher. Teachers may request accounts be set up for themselves and their students by following the steps below.
What you need to consider:
- A "student.pps.net" Minecraft login will be created for the requesting teacher. This will allow the teacher to log into Minecraft EDU and join the same Minecraft Worlds as their students.
- The request will allow students to access Minecraft and create their own worlds in Minecraft EDU and share them with any other PPS student who also has a PPS Minecraft EDU account.
- Minecraft is a social application. Students will be able to communicate with one another in self-created Minecraft worlds.
- Teachers must receive building principal support to request Minecraft EDU accounts.
- Families must be notified that a teacher will be using Minecraft EDU in their classroom.
- Accounts will remain open through the school year or until the teacher requests that they are closed.
- As with Google Workspace or any other social application, digital citizenship and acceptable use should be an ongoing part of classroom instruction.
- Support in using Minecraft with your students can be found at education.minecraft.net. While the Learning Technologies team is always happy to be a thought partner, we do not have any specific Minecraft expertise.
Steps for requesting Minecraft EDU accounts:
Receive approval from your building principal to use Minecraft EDU in your classroom. Notify families that you intend to use Minecraft EDU in your classroom.
It is important that you notify families of your intent to use Minecraft EDU. While this does not need to be an active permission slip and is covered by our digital application statement found on the student registration form, your principal and you will want to ensure parents are aware of the resource. As mentioned above, Minecraft is a social game-based learning environment. Like Google Suite, Minecraft connects users in virtual space allowing them to communicate, share and create together. Minecraft is a part of our Microsoft EDU agreement allowing its use in the PPS classroom.
Complete the Minecraft Account Request form.
Next steps: A member of the Learning Technologies team will review your request within two school days and submit a support ticket to support@pps.net on your behalf. You will receive a copy of that ticket once it is submitted. The OTIS account team will work to create Minecraft accounts for you and your students. You will be notified once that is complete. This can take a couple of days or up to two weeks. Once your accounts are created, you will sign into Minecraft at education.minecraft.net.