School Health Services

  • Health is fundamental to a child’s education. 

    Health Services ensure kids stay healthy, in school, and ready to learn. Research shows that students with health care needs often face barriers in their education if their needs are not met. School health services remove obstacles to academic success, improve school attendance, increase health literacy, reduce risky behaviors, and promote healthy lifestyle choices.

    Portland Public Schools’ School Health Services Team supports students’ equitable access to health resources so they can stay healthy, in school, and ready to learn. We do this by:

    • Facilitating partnerships with health care providers to deliver care to students at school.

    • Coordinating effective communicable disease prevention and response policies and procedures.

    • Serving as consultants about and conduits to current school health practices and opportunities. 

For Additional Support, Contact:

Leti Ayala
Health Services Program Manager
Betse Thielman
Medicaid Program Manager
  • For questions about the health needs of your student, please contact your school's main office. 
