PPS 1:1 Devices
Chromebook Overview *
The PPS 1:1 Chromebook take-home program provides every PPS student with an assigned Chromebook dedicated for that student's use. Devices are assigned by assets label to the student and students should not trade or swap devices with other students. Device usage is also logged by the student user account which can assist in knowing which student used which device.
Students and families less familiar with the Chromebook device may find the following resources helpful.
- Logging In/Using Your PPS Chromebook
- Google: How To Chromebook
- The Chromebook Keyboard (Visual Guide)
- PPS: Chromebook & WiFi Hotspot FAQ
Connecting Your Chromebook To Your Home Internet
The PPS student Chromebook will auto-connect to the PPS district wifi anytime it is on a PPS school campus. When off-campus, students may need to connect their Chromebook to a home internet service, wifi at a library, or other location.
If you are not signed in to your Chromebook and you are not on a PPS school campus, students may see the following warning with a list of available wifi networks:
Selecting a network and entering the wifi password (if needed), will connect the Chromebook to the internet.
If students are already signed into their Chromebook and have sinced moved away from the campus, you will need to change the wifi network in the taskbar. To do this:
1) Click on the taskbar in the lower right
2) Click on the wifi icon
3) Select the wifi network from the available list
4) Enter the wifi password if needed
Once you have connected to a wifi network, your Chromebook will remember the network and connect to it the next time it is available.
Using Chromebooks Offline
You can use your Chromebook to create new documents and edit existing documents even when you are not connected to the internet and without a wifi connection available. However, you need to set this feature up first when connected to the internet! It is a one-time setup.
Step 1: Make Google Drive available offline
- Go to your Google Drive Settings.
- Scroll to "Offline" and check the box.
- It might take a few minutes for the offline access setting to turn on.
- Select Done.
Once you have turned on the offline setting, your most recently opened documents will be available for offline editing. You can also set specific documents to always be available for offline editing. To learning more, visit this Google Support page. Additional help at support@pps.net.
Device, Use, And Network Security
Responsible Use Policy and Account Security
The District’s Responsible Use Policy (“RUP”) is intended to prevent online users from unauthorized access and other unlawful or improper activities, prevent unauthorized disclosure of or access to sensitive information, to comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (“CIPA”) and other applicable laws, and establish expectations for use of District systems.
Review Email and Information Security Best Practices
Network Security, Account Safety and Monitoring
It is important for our students and families to understand how PPS provides a safe and secure online experience for our students. A component of this is for students to understand the expectations for how they should interact when online, what data and usage are monitored or logged by PPS, and the expectation for using a PPS student or staff account. Below students, families, schools, and the community will find valuable resources for this discussion. Questions can be sent to support@pps.net.
What you should know about your STUDENT.PPS.NET account.
Internet Safety & Digital Literacy Resources for Distance Learning
Applications, Google, And Email
The PPS Digital Toolkit is a collection of applications available to PPS students, teachers, and staff, including Google Workspace for Education (email for K-12 students). These digital resources are foundational for technology-enhanced instruction for both in-person and online distance learning. The toolkit does not include limited licenses purchased by individual classrooms, schools, or departments.
Most tools below can be accessed via the My.PPS Portal which presents applications organized for each user by grade level and district role.
Care And Maintenance
Students are responsible for the general care of the Chromebook they have been issued by Portland Public Schools. Students with Chromebooks that are broken or fail to work properly, are lost, or have been stolen must report the problem to their teacher or email support@pps.net as soon as possible so the issue can be taken care of properly. District-owned Chromebooks must never be taken to an outside computer service for any type of repairs or maintenance. Students should treat the Chromebook as a valuable material and always store the Chromebook in a safe location when not in use.
Taking Care of Your Chromebook
Taking Care of Your Chromebook Flyer (Español, Soomaali, 中文, Русский, Tiếng Việt)
Chromebook Care (video for elementary students)
Reporting A Lost, Stolen, Or Damaged Device
Families and students should work with their school office to report a lost, stolen, or damaged device.
Damaged devices may be swapped for a working device from the school's loaner pool and then sent for repair. When a device is lost, stolen, or damaged beyond repair a replacement device will be assigned to the student from the school's loaner pool.
The school is responsible for the follow-up regarding student conduct policies which may include outcomes governed by the Students Rights and Responsibility Handbook. Repeated lost, stolen, or damaged devices will result in fees, fines, or other device use restrictions.
Schools using the loaner pool to replace lost, stolen, or fully damaged devices may contact support@pps.net to request a replacement for their loaner pool.