Join us for our next Visioning event, May 11 at OMSI
3/11/2019Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Русский | Soomaali
Portland Public School’s Visioning process will hit the road for a guest spot at one of Portland’s iconic attractions, OMSI.
On Saturday, May 11, the Visioning core team will present an innovative, interactive exhibit of its work so far. PPS launched the Visioning initiative in 2018 as a way to identify and define what PPS can be, what it should be, and how students, staff, families and community can get to a defined and shared “North Star” for the district.
In January, February and March, the district held dozens of meetings with stakeholders of a multitude of backgrounds and demographics. Through exercises, the core team and Guiding Coalition started to form a vision in three areas at the heart of the process:
- Graduate Portrait: What knowledge, skills, dispositions and mindsets will students need to be successful in their lives and careers?
- Adult Portrait: What knowledge, skills, dispositions and mindsets will adults need in order to support students to attain the Graduate Portrait?
- System Shifts: How does the entire district need to shift in order to support student success?
The May 11 event at OMSI will offer another opportunity to provide feedback on the district’s vision as PPS goes down the home stretch to finalizing a vision in June.
Attendees will not have to enter the museum to go to the Visioning event. Museum admission will be discounted on May 11 for PPS community members to $12 for adults and children. (The exhibit “The Science behind Pixar” will be running that day.) PPS will provide opportunities for free admission to students and families of our highest-needs schools.