Neighborhood Maps

  • We’re helping families discover what’s available in their neighborhood to make for a more comfortable active commute, whether that be neighborhood greenways, streets with crosswalks, or protected bike lanes. Your school might even have a Walking School Bus or Bike Train near you! View our maps to see what infrastructure exists around your neighborhood to support your route.

    Neighborhood maps show school walk boundaries and areas designated as hazard zones. Students within a hazard zone are entitled to supplemental transportation (bus service). In the current Supplemental Transportation Plan, safety is in the context of high speed / high crash streets, presence of sidewalks, etc. and it does not account for socio-economic factors such as high crime areas. We are working to remedy this with the Supplemental Transportation Plan Update (STPU).


    The neighborhood maps also show bike lanes and neighborhood greenways within the boundaries.

    A bike lane is a designated part of a road or street that is specifically reserved for the use of bicycles. It is typically marked by painted lines and symbols on the pavement, creating a designated space for cyclists to ride safely and separate from vehicular traffic.

    Neighborhood greenways are low-traffic and low-speed streets where we give priority to people walking, bicycling, and rolling. Neighborhood greenways form the backbone of the city’s Safe Routes to School network and connect neighborhoods, parks, schools, and business districts. Portland has more than 100 miles of neighborhood greenways in every part of the city.



    Other helpful map resources:

    PPS School Traffic Circulation Maps

    Portland Sidewalks Map

    PBOT Biking Map of Bike Lanes and Paths


    **Maps construction in progress. Neighborhood maps are being developed alongside the Supplemental Transportation Plan Update schedule.**