Public Transportation

  • Portland has a robust public transportation system operated by Trimet, with buses, MAX light rail, streetcars, and commuter rail service available at a low cost to ride. PPS partners with Trimet to ensure all high school students receive a transit pass for the school year that allows them to ride Trimet transportation for free. Students will receive a Trimet logo on their student ID which is shown to the driver when boarding. 


    Trimet’s How to Ride site includes information on how to use each type of transit. Guides for how to board, providing payment, and getting off at your stop are available, as well as routes and schedules and information on bringing a bike on each type of transit. Trimet also offers a Trip Planner where you can see where buses and MAX trains are currently, get directions based on your location and destination, or see the full route for each bus or train.

    Did you know that you can practice loading and unloading your bike on bike racks that are on Trimet buses? A demonstration bike rack can be found at PSU’s Transportation Information Center, located at 1812 SW 6th Av. in Portland, or at the Community Cycling Center, located at 1700 NE Alberta St. in Portland. Trimet also has some tips for sharing the road safely with buses and trains when biking or rolling.


    Public Transit Resources:

    Trimet Honored Citizens Program

    PBOT Guide to Taking Public Transit


    A Trimet bus