Community Based Organizations Department Banner: A young girl with face paint that reads

Community Based

Community Based

  • Portland Public Schools' Multiple Pathways to Graduation currently contracts with approximately 8 community-based education agencies or organizations in the Portland area to serve students who are struggling to stay engaged or are at risk of dropping out of PPS schools.  


    Eligible students may be referred to a Community-Based Organization (CBO) by the student's school, PPS' Reconnection Services, community agencies, or self-referral. Information about each of these schools can be found under the school's individual listing on this webpage. 



    School Name

    # of campuses

    Grades Served

    Mt Scott Learning Center 

    1 (SE)


    NAYA Many Nations Academy 

    1 (NE)


    Helensview School

    1 (NE)


    Open School

    1 (East)


    PCC Gateway to College & YES to College

    3 (all areas)


    Portland Youth Builders (PYB)

    1 (SE)


    Rosemary Anderson 

    4 (all areas)


    Youth Progress Association

    1 (SE) 




    To learn more about each of the Community Based Alternative School options, you may contact individual schools or complete a Reconnection Services Referral Form and an outreach coordinator will reach out to schedule a time to talk or meet.

    The current PPS Rights and Responsibilities Handbook can be found at this web page:

    The District is collaborating with the Portland Association of Teachers to update this document to align with recent changes in State Law (SB 553).  Please contact individual contracted alternative schools for their student/family handbooks.


Erica Stavis
Program Director, Contracted Alternative Schools
Patty French
Administrative Secretary