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  • Phase 2 Enrollment & Program Balancing implementation update - 5/31/23

    This bimonthly memo provides an update regarding Phase 2 of the Enrollment & Program Balancing (EPB) implementation since 5/17/2023. 


    Please check out the Enrollment & Program Balancing website for updates on frequently asked questions, including site-specific questions. The FAQ is updated based on questions that are received in Let’s Talk. There are no new updates at this time. 


    In this document, you can find a log of all community building activities across SE EPB schools. We will update this page as school teams report on activities.

    District staff hosted a Creative Science virtual Information and Listening Session on May 25th from 5:30 - 6:30pm. Representatives from the Central Office were present to answer questions, including Office of School Performance, Human Resources, Special Education, Transportation, Facilities, and Enrollment and Transfer. Between 40-50 families attended the meeting and asked questions related to community building activities, visual and performing arts programming, facilities, and staffing. 


    Our team is finalizing a communication in response to the questions that were raised during the Creative Science Information and Listening Sessions on 4/25 and 5/25 to the Bridger Creative Science communities. This communication was translated and is being prepared for a 6/1 release. 

    Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS)

    SRTS has had site visits at nearly all SE EPB schools (15 of 18) to observe circulation and transit behavior patterns and to engage students and families to collect feedback on PBOT’s Primary Investment Routes, which identify infrastructure project needs along main routes to and from school. 

    Ten SE EPB schools participated in Walk & Roll to School Day in May and received incentives to encourage student participation. SE EPB schools are the focus for the first phase of our map resources project, which supports families in identifying supportive biking and walking infrastructure as well as walking and rolling school bus routes in their school neighborhood. These maps are being developed over the summer in anticipation of the beginning of next school year.


    The PPS Board of Education created a staffing pool of 10 licensed FTE to be equitably allocated as needed over the next five years. We will save some of this FTE for fall balancing and unexpected enrollment: as programs move and boundaries change from one school to another, this will allow for teams to create bridges as well as to support full programming for low-enrollment schools. Thus far, 2.75 of the 10 FTE have been allocated across Clark, Harrison Park, Lent, and Marysville.

  • Phase 2 Enrollment & Program Balancing (EPB) Implementation 5/16/2023

    This bimonthly memo provides an update regarding Phase 2 of the Enrollment & Program Balancing (EPB) implementation since 5/2/2023. 


    Please check out the Enrollment & Program Balancing website for updates on frequently asked questions, including site-specific questions. The FAQ is updated based on questions that are received in Let’s Talk. There are no new updates at this time. 


    In this document, you can find a log of all community building activities across SE EPB schools. We will update this page as school teams report on activities. Below are newly reported activities for this update:

    • March 1st - Hosford Principal’s Coffee/Tea (25 attendees)
    • March 7th - Harrison Park Middle School Open House (200 attendees)
    • March 7th - Lane 5th Grade Feeder School Visits (107 attendees)
    • March 8th - Lane 5th Grade Feeder School Visits (85 attendees)
    • April 27th - Lane Incoming 5th Grade Family Night (180 attendees)
    • May 11th - Bridger and Creative Science Community Gathering (150 attendees)
    • May 11th - Marysville and Lent Family Game Night (300 attendees)

    There will also be a virtual Creative Science Information and Listening Session on 5/25 from 5:30 - 6:30pm. This session provides another opportunity for the Creative Science community to receive updates and information about Bridger Creative Science for 23-24. 

    Implementation Team

    We have compiled high-level implementation manuals for all SEGC schools. We also developed detailed implementation manuals for our high impact schools: Harrison Park Middle School, Clark Elementary, Bridger Creative Science K-8, Lent Elementary, and Marysville Elementary.

    Nutrition Services 

    A vacancy in Bridger kitchen was filled on 5/15/23 and created a vacancy at Creative Science, which will be posted internally according to the SEIU contract. 


    We are excited to announce that plans for interior modifications at Bridger are complete, and construction will happen over the summer.


    Childcare is working with Lent PTA to ensure communication is sent out to families about resources. 

    RESJ scheduled a meeting with Assistant Superintendent Dr. Esther Omogbehin to discuss communication concerns with Lent PTA. RESJ is looking into expanding IRCO services to replicate SUN programming at Clark. 

    Enrollment & Transfer

    The K-5 transfer lottery is closed and families have received their notifications via email and regular mail.  Some petitions into and out of SE schools are still being processed.  Transfers into Bridger Creative Science are limited at this time while we wait to learn the extent of new  guaranteed neighborhood enrollments at the combined school.

  • Phase 2 Enrollment & Program Balancing (EPB) Implementation Biweekly Update 4/17/2023

    This bimonthly memo provides an update regarding Phase 2 of the Enrollment & Program Balancing (EPB) implementation since 4/6/2023. 

    Please check out the Enrollment & Program Balancing website for updates on frequently asked questions, including site-specific questions. The FAQ is updated based on questions that are received in Let’s Talk. There are no new updates at this time. 

    In this document, you can find a log of all community building activities across SE EPB schools. We will update this page as school teams report on activities. Information and listening sessions for the Creative Science School have been added for 4/25 and 5/2 at 9:00am. There are no other updates at this time. 

    Implementation and Core Team
    The core team met with SE high impact principals on 4/7 and 4/14 to provide information on the process for moves with staff. We reviewed our timeline and information about general classroom moves, moves for specials, moves for curriculum, and moves for the Office of Information and Technology Services. We have created a presentation that principals can share in their staff meeting on 4/18. At least one representative from the Central Office will attend staff meetings at our high impact schools to answer questions or take questions back to ensure they are addressed appropriately.  

    We are working to have implementation manuals completed the week of 4/17 to be provided to our high impact schools. These manuals will provide Principals with clear instructions and action items to ensure a smooth transition. 

    Champions continues to work with the Lent families through the PTA to provide an overview of the timeline to establish childcare at Lent.

    Enrollment & Transfer
    K-5 lottery and hardship petition results will be released to schools and families the week of 4/24.  

    Textbook Services sent emails to the principals, assistant principals, and library staff of school that require programs or grade levels to be moved out of their current site (Bridger, Creative Science, Harrison Park, Hosford, Lent, and Mt. Tabor). These emails contained general expectations for the curriculum packing process and provided a sign-up sheet for site visits, where Textbook Services will provide clarity on what they will pack and what can stay with teachers or be disposed onsite. The Consumable Refresh order form is now live and will be open through 4/28.

    Library Services
    Library Services met with library staff at Harrison Park, Creative Science, and Bridger to create  a timeline for the move and answer questions about moving the library collection materials and collection data.

    Transition at Lane Middle School|
    I wanted to make you aware that we have a transition of leadership at Lane Middle School. We wish Dr. Coleman well and thank her for her dedication, passion for education, and commitment to helping students succeed.

    We recognize that a transition in the middle of the school year is challenging. I am pleased to share that Mr. Mike Rowell has returned to Lane this week on a temporary basis.  

    Announcing New Principal at Clark Elementary School and New Interim Principal at Hayhurst ES


  • Phase 2 Enrollment & Program Balancing Implementation Update 4/7/2023

    Please check out the Enrollment & Program Balancing website for updates on frequently asked questions, including site-specific questions. The FAQ is updated based on questions that are received in Let’s Talk. Please continue to forward families with questions to utilize Let’s Talk. The team monitors and answers questions posed weekly. Today’s update will be uploaded to the website within the next few days.

    Operations met with Bridger Principal, Dr. Kristy Mize, to discuss and finalize classroom grade assignments.  Architects have provided a plan of the locker room to shared office space conversion, which has been shared with Dr. Mize. The plan has been approved and the construction project manager will let architects know to move forward. Operations teams will be updating the implementation manuals for high impact schools and will be available for meetings with schools. Project leads were invited to Clark staff meetings to discuss construction at Clark and packing timeline. Principals will be reminded of the move template Google Form. When staffing is assigned, they can update their move sheets.

    Furthermore, our team is holding a meeting on Friday, April 7th to provide principals with information needed for moves, including specific move information for curriculum and equipment, PAT extended hours, and other information. This meeting will be recorded for those who can not attend. We have a hold on Friday, April 14th for a follow up meeting to answer additional questions. 

    Community building events within and across school sites are underway. In this document, you can find a log of all community building activities. We will update this page as school teams report on activities. 

    New Hazard Zones for EPB schools approved to move to the BOE by the Facility & Operations committee members.

    We have the site visit sign-up sheet to go out to principals this week. Site visits are to determine what curriculum will need to be packed up by the IRC and to identify a central location at the school where teachers can take curriculum not needed next year. Focus-sites are Bridger, CSS, Harrison Park, Hosford, Lent, and Mt. Tabor, which are the schools with the most curriculum movement happening between buildings/programs. Kellogg and Marysville will not require site visits as programs are only moving into their buildings.

    We are currently working on identifying what counts as current/obsolete curriculum at the schools in order to provide specific guidance to teachers on what to do with their materials.

    We also made a Google Site for curriculum specific updates and an FAQ.

    Library Services
    We scheduled a meeting with Julie Roeder to clarify procedures for moving specific parts of library collection to specific locations.


  • Phase 2 Enrollment & Program Balancing Implementation Update 3/14/2023

    This weekly memo provides an update regarding the Phase 2 enrollment & program balancing implementation work for the weeks of 2/27/2023-3/6/2023.

    The Facilities team met with our architects and Bridger principal, Kristy Mize, on 3/8/2023 to continue working through space planning and configurations. The meeting focused on what the most effective and efficient staff locations would be and discussed the different building modifications we have planned. 

    Assistant Superintendent Dr. Esther Omogbehin walked with Kristy and several special education (SPED) staff on 3/10/2023 about proposed SPED spaces. Dr. Omogbehin called to let Facilities know about some potential changes to the program for certain spaces.  Before we proceed to make any changes to what we discussed with the architect on 3/8/23, we want to make sure there is alignment from all parties.  

    Community building events within and across school sites are underway. In this document, you can find a log of all community building activities. We will update this page as school teams report on activities. Below are new community building events for this update period: 



    Name of Event


    Who Attended


    Translations and Interpreters



    Woodstock Community Coffee Conversation


    Parents, guardians, or other family

    Letters home to families, School Messenger, E-mail

    Mandarin, Cantonese


    Mt Tabor

    Welcome to Kellogg Info Night


    Students, Parents, guardians, or other family, administration, School Counselor, community partner

    Letters home to families, School Messenger, Remind, E-mail




    Lent Open House


    Students, Parents, guardians, or other family, Teachers, paraeducators, or substitutes, administration, Central Office staff, RESJ partners

    Letters home to families, Fliers at school, School Messenger, E-mail

    Spanish, Chinese



    Principal Liddle Comes to Creston PTA Night


    Students, Parents, guardians, or other family, Teachers, paraeducators, or substitutes, administration

    Fliers at school, School Messenger

    Spanish, Vietnamese



    Bridger Community Open House


    Students, Parents, guardians, or other family, Teachers, paraeducators, or substitutes, administration, Central Office staff, RESJ partners

    Letters home to families, Fliers at school, School Messenger, E-mail, Phone banking

    Spanish, Chinese, Russian



    SEGC Lent Open House


    Students, Parents, guardians, or other family, Teachers, paraeducators, or substitutes, administration, Central Office staff

    Letters home to families, Fliers at school, School Messenger, Remind, E-mail

    Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Chinese



    DLI Open House


    Students, Parents, guardians, or other family, administration

    Fliers at school, E-mail, Messages & Flyers sent to feeders school for dispersal to their families


    School specific FAQ had two additional entries regarding:

    • Bridger Capacity
    • Lent Title 1 process

    We are working with our budget team to ensure funds are disbursed to the correct accounts. Chartfields for tracking community building events have been created. 

    Childcare concerns are tentatively resolved for schools impacted by the SEGC changes.             The schools are Lent, Marysville, Clark building (Harrison Park) and Bridger. We will finalize details once we have more accurate enrollment numbers. This should happen relatively soon.

    Enrollment & Transfer
    To date, we have received 8 transfer requests into Bridger-Creative Science that qualify for neighborhood guarantees:  2 each at Grades 1,2,3 and 4.  The deadline to submit a request for guaranteed transfer is 3/17/2023.

    The Instructional Resource Center is currently gathering site specific curriculum data and will be reaching out to principals for site visits in the next few weeks. Principals, in collaboration with their library staff, can start looking at discarding/recycling obsolete materials from their sites now.

    Library Services

    Met with Clark Ide (OSM) to discuss plans for the Harrison Park Library Space, including the re-working of the current Media/Novel Set Storage Room.


  • Phase 2 Enrollment & Program Balancing Implementation Update 2/13/2023 - 2/20/2023

    This bi-monthly memo provides an update regarding the Phase 2 Enrollment & Program Balancing implementation work for the weeks of  2/13/2023 - 2/20/2023


    • Another meeting with Kristy Mize (Bridger principal) and the architect to review space needs in order to be aligned took place this week. This meeting was to occur last week but due to the inclement weather, we rescheduled for this week.

    • Our draft schedule for the building modification work is as follows:
      • Arch. Design complete by 4/16/23
      • Permit Review Submission to City on 4/17/23
      • Construction Bidding Start on 4/24/23
      • Construction Bids due 5/12/23
      • Contract Board Approval on 6/13/23
      • Construction Start on 6/16/23
      • Construction Substantially Complete by 8/25/23


    Various community building events have been underway across EPB schools. The Open House event at Bridger, Marysville and Lent were a success, with about 40 families in attendance at Marysville, 50 families in attendance at Lent, and 150 in attendance at Bridger. Additionally, staff from Childcare, Transportation, Enrollment and Transfer, and Facilities were in attendance. Staff members were able to respond to questions as they arose. We will continue to provide updates about community building events.. 


    Transportation will be provided to students going from Lent to Bridger and Bridger to Lent. As a result of space needs for childcare, Transportation is also willing to transport CSS students who are currently at Bridger back to CSS in the afternoon (after school) for childcare.


    Childcare concerns have been addressed. Champions, currently at Harrison Park, will provide childcare at Lent. They will need 10 students in the morning and 20 students in the afternoon for the program to be sustainable. We believe this goal is achievable because of the families transitioning from Bridger School. Campfire will remain at the Clark building and will serve Harrison Park, K-5 students. There is a request for transportation to be provided from Bridger School to the Clark building for parents who want their children to remain with Campfire. 

    Enrollment & Transfer

    K-5 transfer cycle is open through March 17.  Custom transition letters to SE impacted families were emailed/mailed last week.  We will have a count of requests for principals to review after spring break.

    Nutrition Services

    We met with the Oregon Department of Education (ODE), Child Nutrition Programs Director and Specialists on Feb 21 to review the process for Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) election for the 2023-24 school year. CEP is the federal provision that allows us to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students. The data used for this election process is pulled on April 1st.  Since there are multiple schools (both current CEP and non-CEP) changing enrollment and boundaries, we discussed  how we would proceed with reviewing direct certification data and proposing which eligible schools could be considered after April.  At this time, the plan and guidance from ODE is to review the data once all students have shifted enrollment in Synergy (late July/early August), but hopefully finalized in a quick timeline to notify and communicate with school leaders and each school community. 


    Clark ES has been added in Synergy for school year 2023-24. 2023-24 enrollments for next year's Clark DLI program students have now been imported into the Synergy Production database, completing NYR DLI adjustments. Our next step is to work on 2023-24 enrollment adjustments related to boundary changes.

  • Phase 2 Enrollment & Program Balancing Implementation Update - Weeks of 1/30/2023-2/6/2023

    This memo provides an update regarding the Phase 2 enrollment & program balancing implementation work for the weeks of 1/30/2023-2/6/2023.

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  • Phase 2 Enrollment & Program Balancing Implementation Update - Weeks of 1/16/2023-1/31/2023

    This weekly memo provides an update regarding the Phase 2 enrollment & program balancing implementation work for the weeks of 1/16/2023-1/31/2023.

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  • Strengthening Our Southeast Schools

    Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Soomaali| Русский

    Dear Southeast PPS families and staff,

    We want to provide you with some updates regarding the Southeast Enrollment & Program Balancing implementation. As a reminder, last spring the PPS School Board approved boundary changes for fall 2023 that expand access to middle schools, and strengthen enrollment at small elementary and dual-language immersion programs. On October 25, 2022, the Board also passed resolution 6599 to move the Lent English Scholars to Marysville at the beginning of the 2023-24 school year.

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  • Strengthening Our Southeast Schools

    Español| Tiếng Việt| 中文| Soomaali| Русский
    Students posing for photo

    Dear Southeast PPS families,

    Last spring the PPS School Board approved boundary changes for fall 2023 that expand access to middle schools, and strengthen enrollment at small elementary and dual-language immersion programs. We are now planning and implementing those changes and wanted to touch base with you about that process.

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