•  PCards




    Global Card Access: https://spacardportal.works.com/gar/login




    PCards and Works

    PCards are used to purchase many of the items formally bought with Purchase Orders. Supplies, equipment, and materials can be purchased with a PCard. Items purchased over the Internet, such as books, are a good fit for the PCard. The policies are strictly enforced, so be familiar with these before you use the PCard. If you do not have a PCard please send a completed PCard Application to the Purchasing & Contracting Department or to pcard@pps.net.

    The Works system is an online web-based application that allows cardholders to review, reconcile and run reports on purchases made with their PCard.  Given that it is a real-time system, purchase data usually posts to Works within a two day period after the purchase.  Once posted, cardholders have the ability to review, approve, and sign-off on transactions.  There is no need to wait until the end of the month to reconcile; it can be done anytime.




    If you have any questions, please contact Stephen Hirai, PCard Manager or Debra Watkins, PCard Accountant.