2023-2024 School Year

    The information below outlines the expectations and practices with respect to compensation and time reporting for inclement weather days when the district delays opening or closes work sites. These practices vary by employee group due to differences in labor contracts. Please reference the appropriate practice for your employee group. All employees are expected to use their best judgment in determining whether it is safe for them to report to work.  If you have any questions about the instructions for your employee group, please contact Human Resources at 503-916-3544.



    District Office or School Closure: The District will provide up to three (3) days compensation for use only in the event of District designated closures because of inclement weather or reasons of an emergency nature. If a worksite is closed for more than three (3) days in a fiscal year, employees may then use emergency/personal leave, comp time, or vacation days in lieu of unpaid leave, unless the employee has no such leave available; in which case the employee will be on an approved unpaid leave of absence. If, due to closures because of inclement weather or reasons of an emergency nature, the school year is extended, employees will work up to three (3) days without additional compensation. If the school year is extended beyond three (3) days, employees will be paid at their regular rate of pay. The District may schedule Presidents’ Day as a make-up day with at least thirty (30) calendar day’s notice. Employees who work Presidents’ Day will receive their regular rate of pay. 

    Late Opening/Early Dismissal: In the event of an unscheduled two-hour late start due to weather, drivers are to report one and one-half (1 ½) hours later than regular report time. In the event of a scheduled two-hour late opening, drivers are to report two (2) hours later than regular report time. In the event of nonscheduled early dismissal, drivers on duty who report back to work shall receive not less than their regular setup time or actual time worked, whichever is greater. If employees do not report or report later than the official late start time, they must use appropriate leave time (personal/emergency, vacation or unpaid) for the missed time period, reported on the time document.


    District Office or School Closure: Building Administrators are paid for any day that the district closes their school or work site. No time document reporting is required for these days.

    Late Opening: Building Administrators must make best efforts to arrive at the latest 30 minutes before the delayed official start time. If Building Administrators do not report, they must use appropriate leave time (personal/emergency, vacation, or unpaid), for the missed time, reported on the time document.

    Early Dismissal: Building Administrators may not leave their school site until all students have made it safely home and they have received an all clear message from Transportation. Students who are bussed home where it is unsafe to leave the student, will be returned to school. Employees are paid for any time that the district closes their school or work site early. No time document reporting is required for these days.


    District Office or School Closure; Late Opening: Maintenance employees are expected and required to report at their normal start time and work their full shift unless the individual maintenance employee is specifically or individually informed by the District that they cannot report or must leave the shift early. If the individual is unable to report due to unsafe weather conditions that employee must inform their supervisor and will be required to use vacation, emergency personal or unpaid leave to cover all hours not worked that day. Nutrition Services drivers/warehousemen – On scheduled workdays, if the District decides to close or delay opening, employees can use personal/emergency pay in lieu of unpaid leave unless employees have no such leave available.  When employees report to work due to failure of the District to notify employees or delayed notice of closure, employees reporting to work shall receive at least one-half day of compensation.


    District Office or School Closure: One of the outcomes of pandemic working conditions is that it accelerated our individual and collective ability and access to tools to work remotely, which led to the adoption of the remote work option for employees whose jobs are eligible for remote work. Employees who are scheduled to work remotely are, in most cases, able to continue to work from home during inclement weather when the district office is closed due to unsafe commuting conditions. Employees whose positions are eligible for remote work as outlined in the Remote Work Guidelines are expected to work remotely when the district office is closed (if this is not one of your regularly scheduled remote work days, it will be considered an ad hoc day and you are not expected to change your regular remote work schedule to accommodate the district office building closure). If your position is eligible for remote work as outlined in the Remote Work Guidelines and you are able to do so, you should plan to work from home during inclement weather days. Examples of being unable to work remotely include a power or internet outage that prevents connectivity, you must use appropriate leave time (personal/emergency, vacation, or unpaid) for the day(s) which must be reported on the time document.

    Employees whose positions are only able to conduct their work while physically on-site (i.e. the print shop) and are unable to safely travel to the office are paid and no time document reporting is required for these days. If you are unsure which category you fall into, talk with your supervisor.

    Late Opening: All employees must make their best efforts to report at the latest by the official late start time. If employees do not report, they must use appropriate leave time (personal/emergency, vacation, or unpaid), for the missed time, reported on the time document. If non-exempt employees report later than the official late start time, they must use appropriate leave time (personal/emergency, vacation, or unpaid), for the missed time, reported on the time document.

    Early Dismissal: Unless directed by their supervisor to remain at work due to their specific job responsibilities, employees may be released at the District early dismissal time. Employees are paid for any time that the district closes their school or work site early. No time document reporting is required for these days.


    District Office or School Closure: per the 2020-2022 PAT contract section 6.8.4 Inclement weather The District may schedule up to a total of three inclement weather make-up days for school closures. Days not scheduled in advance on the District school calendar may not be required make up days. With thirty (30) day notice, the District may use Presidents’ Day as one of the three make-up days. The four (4) potential make-up days shall be marked on the school calendar, but professional educators will be required to make up a maximum of three unless is required. Notwithstanding, if the three days are insufficient for the District to meet the state required instructional time, the District and Association shall meet and discuss options. In the absence of an agreement how to make up days, the District may require professional educators to work additional days at the end of the year necessary to meet state requirements. The District counts instructional minutes and parent-teacher conference days towards meeting the state required instructional time. If the District converts instructional days to professional development days, it will count those days toward state required instructional time. The District will consider inclement weather when setting the seniors’ graduation date.

    No time coding is required on the time document.

    Late Opening: If employees do not report, or report after the delayed official start time, they must use appropriate leave time for any missed time, reported on the time document. A professional educator may use leave in one-hour increments or in per-day units.


    District Office or School Closure: Employees will be compensated at their regular scheduled rate of pay for their normally scheduled hours of work. This compensation shall be considered payment for replacement days as scheduled by the District at its discretion, not to exceed contracted work days.

    Late Opening: If the District delays the start of the work day, as long as employees are present at the adjusted start time, they will not be expected to use leave time and will be paid for a regular day of work. If employees do not report or report after the delayed official start time, they must use appropriate leave time (personal/emergency, comp time, vacation, or unpaid) for any missed time, reported on the time document.


    All PPS Closed or School Closure or Late Opening: All custodians are expected to report for their regularly scheduled shift when the school or site is closed for inclement weather. If a custodian believes attempting to travel to the school or site would create a substantial safety risk, the custodian may notify his or her immediate supervisor and will be permitted to use vacation, emergency/personal business leave, or leave without pay.


    District Office or School Closure: Nutrition Services employees are not paid for days that they are not required to report to work due to inclement weather.  Paid leave days cannot be used. In the event the District closes school for inclement weather for five (5) or more days during a single school year, the District will meet with the Union to bargain the impact of the closures on the Nutrition Service employees.

    Late Opening: Employees must make best efforts to report at the latest by the official late start time. If employees do not report or report later than the official late start time, they must use appropriate leave time (personal/emergency, vacation, or unpaid) for the missed time period, reported on the time document.


    School Closure: (per the Substitute Handbook) Substitutes an hourly employees that were scheduled to work at a school that closes for the day due to weather or unforeseen circumstances are not paid. Substitutes receiving extended pay will not be paid for the closure dates. If, when the schools reopen you are still working the same job, your extended pay will be reinstated.

    Late Opening: (per the Substitute Handbook) Substitutes scheduled to work when there is a delay in opening school are required to be at work, prepared, and available 15 minutes before the first scheduled class (on the delay bell schedule).