Second Language, Multilingual, and DLI Stipends
Updated: November 19, 2024
PAT Educator Multilingual Language Stipend
If you work at a school where a minimum of 5% of the students in your school speak a common language other than English according to the October 1 enrollment reports and you are fluent in the identified language, you may be eligible for the PAT bilingual stipend as outlined in Appendix I - Bilingual or Multilingual Ability.
If your school is not listed below then the languages spoken other than English do not reach the 5% threshold this school year.
Eligible Language & School(s):
American Sign Language - Columbia Regional Program
Chinese - Clark ES, Harrison Park MS, Woodstock ES
Japanese - Richmond ES
Russian - Kelly ES, Lane MS
Somali - Rosa Parks ES
Spanish - Ainsworth ES, Alliance HS, Atkinson ES, Beach ES, Beaumont MS, Benson HS, Cesar Chavez, CTC Northeast, Duniway ES, Early Learners, Faubion, Franklin HS, George MS, Glencoe ES, Harriet Tubman MS, Harrison Park MS, James John ES, Jefferson HS, Kellogg MS, Kelly ES, Lane MS, Lee ES, Lent ES, Martin Luther King Jr ES, McDaniel HS, NAYA Many Nations Academy, Ockley Green MS, PCC, Rigler ES, Roosevelt HS, Rosa Parks ES, Rosemary Anderson, Roseway Heights MS, Scott ES, Sitton ES, Vestal ES, Whitman ES, Woodlawn ES, Woodmere ES
Vietnamese - Arthur Academy, Early Learners, Franklin HS, Kelly ES, Lane MS, Lee ES, McDaniel HS, Rose City Park ES, Roseway Heights MS, Woodmere ES
To apply for the stipend, please complete this form no later than Wednesday, December 18.
On the form, you will indicate if you have already completed the language assessment or need to take it. If you need to complete the assessment, a Human Resources representative will connect with you to schedule the oral and written language assessment through ALTA language services. After you complete each assessment, ALTA will send the results to Human Resources. Results usually arrive within a few business days. In order to be eligible for the bilingual stipend you must pass both the oral and written assessments with a score of 7 or higher.
Once approved, the stipend is $1,500 annually, prorated by FTE, and will be prorated over your remaining paychecks for the school year.
The stipend is determined on an annual basis based on the October 1 enrollment at each school. This may mean you are eligible for the stipend one year and not another year. Each year, we will inform educators of their potential eligibility and provide the opportunity to indicate their eligibility. Educators will only have to test one time and are not required to test every year.
Educators who work directly in the DLI program and receive the DLI Stipend are not eligible for the bilingual stipend.
If you have questions, please contact your HR Workforce Management Associate.
PAT DLI Stipend
DLI classroom educators receive a $3,000 stipend for teaching in the partner language in a DLI program for the 2024-2025 school year. This stipend will appear on the November paycheck (November 29) and will be prorated over each paycheck for the remainder of the school year.
PFSP Second Language Stipend
The PFSP contract recognizes the importance of language diversity in supporting our students and school communities. If the regular duties of an employee includes the regular use of a second language used by your school community, the employee may be eligible to be paid a 5% annual stipend. This applies to positions which do not already have a second language required as the regular duties of the position.
Previously, employees were required to submit a request annually to be approved by their supervisor to earn the stipend. Beginning this school year, we have adjusted the process so that employees who continue in their same position and school will automatically continue to receive the stipend. Only new employees need to submit this form if they meet the eligibility criteria.
If you have transferred locations or positions, HR will confirm with your new supervisor that you continue to meet the eligibility requirements, and if you do, you will automatically maintain the stipend. If you move to a different location or position where you are no longer eligible, your second language stipend will be ended.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your supervisor or contact your HR Workforce Management Associate.
Prior School Years
PFSP Second Language Stipend 2023-2024
The PFSP contract recognizes the importance of language diversity in supporting our students and school communities. If the regular duties of an employee includes the regular use of a second language used by your school community, the employee may be eligible to be paid a 5% annual stipend. This applies to positions which do not already have a second language required as the regular duties of the position.
The stipend must be reviewed and approved annually by the building Administrator or Supervisor and approved by HR. Administrators and Supervisors must complete the online Google form (click here: PFSP Second Language Stipend Form) for review and possible approval. Requests submitted by December 22, 2023 will be retroactively paid to the beginning of the school year once it is approved. Requests submitted and approved after December 22 will become effective the first day of the following pay period.
PAT Multilingual Stipend 2023-2024
If you work at a school where a minimum of 5% of the students in your school speak a common language other than English according to the October 1 enrollment reports and you are fluent in the identified language, you may be eligible for the PAT bilingual stipend as outlined in Appendix I - Bilingual or Multilingual Ability.
If your school is not listed below then the languages spoken other than English do not reach the 5% threshold this school year.
Eligible Language & School(s):
American Sign Language - Columbia Regional Program
Chinese - Clark ES, Woodstock ES, Harrison Park MS, Head Start
Japanese - Richmond ES
Russian - Kelly ES, Lane MS
Somoli/Maay-Maay - Markham ES, Rosa Parks ES
Spanish - Ainsworth ES, Atkinson ES, Beach ES, Cesar Chavez K-8, Chief Joseph ES, Clark ES, Faubion ES, Grout ES, James John ES, Kelly ES, Lee ES, Lent ES, MLK Jr ES, Rigler ES, Rosa Parks ES, Scott ES, Sitton ES, Vestal ES, Whitman ES, Woodlawn ES, Woodmere ES, Beaumont MS, George MS, Harrison Park MS, Kellogg MS, Lane MS, Ockley Green MS, Roseway Heights MS, Tubman MS, Alliance @ Benson, Alliance @ Meek, Benson HS, Franklin HS, Jefferson HS, McDaniel HS, Roosevelt HS, PCC Yes!, Rosemary Anderson (all sites), NAYA Many Nations Academy, Youth Builders, CTC Northeast, Head Start
Vietnamese - Clark ES, Kelly ES, Lee ES, Rose City Park ES, Vestal ES, Woodmere ES, Kellogg MS, Lane MS, Roseway Heights MS, Franklin HS, McDaniel HS, Head Start, Arthur AcademyTo apply for the stipend, please complete this form no later than Wednesday, December 13.
On the form, you will indicate if you have already completed the language assessment or need to take it. If you need to complete the assessment, a Human Resources representative will connect with you to schedule the oral and written language assessment through ALTA language services. After you complete each assessment, ALTA will send the results to Human Resources. Results usually arrive within a few business days. In order to be eligible for the bilingual stipend you must pass both the oral and written assessments with a score of 7 or higher.
Once approved, the stipend is $1,500 annually, prorated by FTE, and will be prorated over your remaining paychecks for the school year.
The stipend is determined on an annual basis based on the October 1 enrollment at each school. This may mean you are eligible for the stipend one year and not another year. Each year, we will inform educators of their potential eligibility and provide the opportunity to indicate their eligibility. Educators will only have to test one time and are not required to test every year.
Educators who work directly in the DLI program and receive the DLI Stipend are not eligible for the bilingual stipend.
If you have questions, please contact your HR Staffing Associate. -
PAT DLI Stipend 2022-2023
PAT DLI Stipend
DLI classroom educators began receiving a stipend in the 2021-2022 school year as outlined in the PAT contract (section 12.1.5) which continues for the 2022-2023 school year. The $3,000 stipend for teaching in the partner language in a DLI program will appear on the November paycheck (November 30) and will be prorated over each paycheck for the remainder of the school year.
PAT Multilingual Stipend 2022-2023
October 31, 2022
If you work at a school where a minimum of 15% of the students in your school has a common language other than English according to the October 1 enrollment reports and you are fluent in the identified language, you may be eligible for the PAT bilingual stipend as outlined in Appendix I - Bilingual or Multilingual Ability.
If your school is not listed below then the languages spoken other than English do not reach the 15% threshold this school year.
Eligible Language & School(s):
American Sign Language - Columbia Regional Program
Chinese - Headstart - Creston Annex, Headstart - Kelly Center, Woodstock ES
Russian - Kelly ES
Spanish - Beaumont MS, Cesar Chavez K-8, George ES, Headstart - Clarendon, Headstart - Grout, Headstart - Sacajawea, Headstart - Sitton, Headstart - Whitman, James John ES, Kellogg MS, Lent ES, McDaniel HS, PCC YES Program, Rigler ES, Roosevelt HS, Rosa Parks ES, Rosemary Anderson HS - New Columbia Site, Scott ES, Sitton ES, Teen Parent Services
Vietnamese - Headstart - Kelly Center, Rose City Park ESTo apply for the stipend, please complete this form no later than Wednesday, November 30.
On the form you will indicate if you have already completed the language assessment or need to take it. If you need to complete the assessment, a Human Resources representative will connect with you to schedule the oral and written language assessment with ALTA. After you complete each assessment, ALTA will send the results to Human Resources and which usually arrive within a few business days. In order to be eligible for the bilingual stipend you must pass both the oral and written assessments with a score of 7 or higher.
Once approved, the stipend is $1,500 annually, prorated by FTE, and will be prorated over your remaining paychecks for the school year.
The stipend is determined on an annual basis based on the October 1 enrollment at each school. This may mean you are eligible for the stipend one year and not another year. Each year we will inform educators of their potential eligibility and provide the opportunity to indicate their eligibility. Educators will only have to test one time and are not required to test every year.
Educators who work directly in the DLI program and receive the DLI Stipend are not eligible for the bilingual stipend.
If you have questions, please contact your HR Staffing Associate.
PFSP Second Language Stipend 2022-2023
PFSP Second Language Stipend
Article posted in the Admin Portal on August 30, 2022
The PFSP contract recognizes the importance of language diversity in supporting our students and school communities. If the regular duties of an employee includes the regular use of a second language used by your school community, the employee may be eligible to be paid a 5% annual stipend. This applies to positions which do not already have a second language required as the regular duties of the position.
The stipend must be reviewed and submitted annually by the building administrator or supervisor and approved by HR.
Administrators and Supervisors must complete the online Google form (click here: PFSP Second Language Stipend Form) for review and possible approval.
Requests submitted by October 31 will be retroactively paid to the beginning of the school year once it is approved.
Requests submitted and approved after October 31 will become effective the first day of the following pay period.
PAT Multilingual Stipend 2021-2022
2021-2022 school year
If you work at a school where a minimum of 15% of the students in your school have a common language other than English according to the October 1 enrollment reports and you are fluent in the identified language, you may be eligible for the PAT bilingual stipend as outlined in Appendix I - Bilingual or Multilingual Ability.
Human Resources will update this website and send communication to educators who work at identified schools after the October 1 enrollment reports are available in late October/early November.
See below for a list of school eligible for the 2021-2022 school year.
2021-2022 Eligible Language & Schools (reached 15% threshold for language(s) spoken other than English):
American Sign Language - Columbia Regional Program
Chinese - Woodstock ES
Russian - Kelly ES
Spanish - Beaumont MS, Benson HS, Bridger ES, Cesar Chavez K-8. George MS, Headstart - Clarendon, Sacajawea, and Sitton sites, James John ES, Lent ES, McDaniel HS, Rigler ES, Roosevelt HS, Rosa Parks ES, Rosemary Anderson HS - New Columbia Site, Scott ES, Sitton ES, and Teen Parent Services.
Vietnamese - Rose City Park ES