2017 Bond Lead Paint Stabilization

  • Program Overview

    Lead paint remediation work

    The Office of School Modernization is currently conducting lead paint stabilization projects throughout the district. The intent of the bond is to stabilize peeling, chipping, chalking, or cracking paint. In most cases, stabilization includes priming deteriorated surfaces with a heavy penetrating primer and top coating with a finished layer of paint. In some cases, more involved remediation and preparation may need to occur.

    Lead paint work is scheduled in phases

    Phase 1 Interior locations accessible to PreK-2nd Graders - Complete
    Phase one is Pre-Kindergarten through second grade classrooms to address situations where the most at-risk children (those 6 years of age and younger) are present and spend the majority of their time. That work is now complete.

    Phase 2 - Exterior locations accessible to PreK-2nd grade students

    • 55 Sites complete
    • 3 Sites remain (pending appropriate weather) 

    Phase 3  Group1 - Additional Interior locations at K-5, K-8, K-12 sites

    • 48 Sites complete
    • 6 Remain

    Phase 3  Group 2 - Interior locations at Middle School and High School sites

    • 17 Sites Complete

    Phase 4 Group 1  -  Additional exterior locations at K-5, K-8, K-12 sites

    • 29 Sites Complete

    Phase 4 Group 2  -  exterior locations at Middle School and High School sites

    • 10 Sites complete

    School exteriors painted in 2017
    The following schools had exterior lead paint containment work done in the summer of 2017; Atkinson, Astor, Hayhurst and Woodstock.

    All work is performed by EPA certified painters
    All painting work and associated maintenance will be completed by EPA certified Renovate, Repair, and Painting (RRP) certified workers. Work is currently ongoing, being completed by PPS staff operating on swing shifts. Additional resources including contracted painters will be utilized to complete paint stabilization projects.