Kellogg project documents
Public Involvement
The Kellogg Design Advisory Group (DAG) is a group of school and community stakeholder representatives who work together to help provide feedback for the design of a new Kellogg. DAG members also synthesize community-wide input and share the evolving details of the project to others in the community over time. While DAG members do not make decisions, their input is crucial in creating a design that the entire Kellogg community can be proud of.
Read the Kellogg (DAG) Charter | Español |Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Русский | Soomaali
Read the Kellogg (DAG) Code of Conduct | Español |Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Русский | Soomaali
Read the Kellogg (DAG) meeting schedule| Español |Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Русский | Soomaali
DAG #1 Mtg Minutes & presentation (10-26-17)
DAG #2 Mtg Minutes & presentation (11-7-17)
DAG #3 Mtg Minutes & presentation (11-21-17)
DAG #4 Mtg Minutes & presentation (12-7-17)
DAG #5 Mtg Minutes & presentation (12-21-17)
DAG #5 Mtg Minutes Addendum/Survey (12-21-17)
DAG #6 Mtg Minutes & presentation (3-18-18)
DAG#7_Kellogg Design Options Poll (4-6-18)
DAG#8 Kellogg Project Review (6-14-18)
View the Kellogg Schematic Design report Vol 1 (2-1-18)
View the Kellogg Schematic Design report Vol 2 (2-1-18)
Schematic Design Budget Reconciliation Summary (4-12-18)