GHS Modernization Document Archive
This page provides an archive for Grant High Modernization documents and presentations.
Grant Design Advisory Group (DAG)The (DAG) is a group of school and community stakeholder representatives who help provide feedback for the Grant modernization plans. While DAG members are appointed, their meetings are open to the public. Here you will find the DAG charter and an archive of meeting minutes. See the list of Grant (DAG) members. Read the Grant DAG CharterView the Grant DAG & Design Workshop Schedule
DAG #1 Presentation (9-9-15)
DAG Mtg Minutes #1 (9-9-15)
DAG#2_Presentation (9_24_15)
DAG #2 Mtg Minutes (9-24-15)
Video of DAG#2 mtg (9-24-15)
DAG #3 Presentation (10-8-15)
DAG #3 Mtg Minutes (10-8-15)
Video of DAG#3 mtg (10-8-15)
DAG #4 Presentation (11-5-15)
DAG #4 Mtg Minutes (11-5-15)
Video of DAG#4 mtg (11-5-15)
DAG#5 Presentation (11-19-15)
DAG#5 Mtg Minutes (11-19-15)
Video of DAG#5 (11-19-15)DAG#6 Presentation(12-16-15)
DAG#6 Mtg Minutes(12-16-15)
Video of DAG#6 (12-16-15)
DAG #6_Marcia Latta Presentation 12-16-15Grant Public Design WorkshopsPublic Design Workshops are an important part of Portland Public Schools commitment to community ownership of the School Building Improvement Bond work. Roosevelt's design workshops provided interested citizens, students and school families the opportunity to help shape the master and schematic design plans for the School.MP_Design Workshop #2 Presentation (11-7-15)
Video of 11-7-15 MP_Workshop
Grant Master Planning Open House Presentation (12-3-15)
Master Plan School Board Bond Committee Presentation 12_8_15
Schematic_Design Workshop #1 Presentation (1-9-16)
Video of SD Workshop#1 (1-9-16)Grant Flyers and Fact Sheets
View the Grant Modernization flyer(10-20-16) in Español
Additional Grant documents
View an infographic that describes factors that influence the design of a future Grant H.S.
View the District Education Specifications for Comprehensive High Schools (Ed Specs)