Roosevelt Phase 4 Building

  • RHS Phase 4 rendering

  • Project Updates

    Feb 2022 - Project Complete

    a 2nd floor classroom of the Phase 4 addition
    See the latest construction photos here

    The Roosevelt HS Phase IV Addition Project is now completed.  The entire addition is fully occupied and in use by the teachers and students. They began using the facility upon returning from the Thanksgiving break. Over the next several weeks, the contractor worked on finalizing and completing all the finishing touches and minor project items known as the “punch list.”  Those punch list items were completed in January 2022.

    In addition, a number of items that were delayed by COVID related  “supply chain issues” have now been installed.  The building is now considered totally complete and is already enhancing  several programs at Roosevelt High School.

    December 2021 - Students and staff move in

    3,250 sq. ft. Construction Technology CTE space on the first floor
    See the latest construction photos here

    Work on the RHS Phase 4 project is nearing completion. Students and staff have moved into the building and are using the new expanded facilities. The Roosevelt Phase 4 project provides a new 10,000 sq. ft addition to Roosevelt High School to improve the school's MakerSpace and CTE program.  

    woodworking equipment in the new facility

    The addition includes a 3,250 sq. ft Construction Technology CTE space on the first floor.

    The second floor consists of four 850 sq. ft general education classrooms, with a flexible partition wall between two

    The second floor consists of four 850 sq. ft general education classrooms, with a flexible partition wall between two of the classrooms.

    Hallway on the 2nd floor of the phase 4 building

    Some small finishing touches or "punch" work will continue over the next several weeks, but this work will be done after hours and will not impact the learning environment.  COVID related impacts to the supply chain have slowed delivery of some items such as exterior doors and windows.  These will be installed later but do not significantly impact the programs or the facility.

     Gender neutral bathrooms on the first floor

    Mid-November 2021 Construction Update

    workers finishing railings
    See the latest construction photos here

    Work is progressing rapidly throughout the Phase 4 site as crews are applying finishing touches, testing systems and preparing the building for final inspection from the city. As the project team strives to complete the work, COVID related impacts to the supply chain have slowed delivery of some items such as exterior doors and windows, as well as classroom markerboards and partition wall systems.

    stairway to 1st floor
    Work on the railings and stairways across the building are in the final stages and the elevator has been inspected and approved for use.

    dust collector vents

    The ventilation system and dust collection ducts for the wood shop are in place and final testing of that system is underway.  The entire HVAC system is also undergoing final testing.

    Classroom on first floor

    The four new classrooms in the first floor of new addition are complete.   These class spaces are above the large CTE shop space that is considered the basement level of the school. Furniture is now in the process of being installed and will be completed within the next couple of weeks.  

    new landscaping outside the Phase 4 building

    Outside the building landscaping is taking place. Crews are replacing any plants that had been displaced by construction and new plants have been added along the north walkway.

    October 2021 Construction Update

    Front of new Phase 4 building
    See the latest construction photos here

    As we begin the month of October the fourth phase of Roosevelts’ modernization is 80% complete. The exterior walls are finished with only some additional windows remaining to be installed. The windows have been delayed by COVID related supply chain issues that have impacted a number of Bond projects. On the roof the HVAC unit has been installed and the interior HVAC ducting work is nearing completion.  Testing of the Hydronic (cooling/heating) system will begin soon.

    Dust collection system
    Plus, the installation of a special dust collection system for the Construction CTE Space is nearing completion and it too will soon undergo testing.
    first floor room
    Work continues in the interior with finishes, trim, painting and ceiling panel installation underway. The classrooms on the 1st floor are nearly done awaiting a final scrub and seal process on the concrete flooring.
    1st floor hallway
    The 1st floor hallway is nearly complete and the elevator has been installed and awaiting inspection.  
    elevator on first floor
    On the ground floor work on the all user restroom is nearing completion. Most of the fixtures and the wall tile have been installed.
    ground floor bathroom
    Elsewhere all interior walls and partitions completed and electrical work is nearing completion. In November furniture will arrive and begin to be installed in preparations for students and staff to begin using their new addition soon.

    July 2021 Construction Update

    Exterior of pahse 4 building
    See the latest construction photos here

    The Phase 4 building is taking shape with the work on the exterior of the building nearing completion. All three sides of the structural exterior masonry walls are up and the building has been “topped off” (roofed and covered from the weather).  The weatherproofing and window flashings have also been installed. The installation of the exterior metal cladding on the upper half of the building is now underway. The bottom portion will remain masonry in order to match the existing building that it connects to.

    interior framing on the 2nd floor

    On the interior the steel structure has been erected, and all plumbing and electrical lines have been laid out.  The ground floor concrete slab and the first-floor concrete floor have both been poured.  Interior wall framing is now underway and this will be followed by the addition of insulation and drywall.

    May/June 2021 Construction Update

    Crane lifting

    The Phase 4 project is moving along swiftly.  With the entire foundation now in place, the walls are now rising up block by block to their full height.  The masonry walls on the northeast corner and east side exterior walls are complete

    The masonry work now moves on to the northwest and west side exterior walls.  At the same time there is a coordinated effort to bring in and erect the steel structure. It will start at the interior east end of the building and move towards the west.=

    Steel decking for the roof was delivered and Steel erectors are expected to be back on site in early June to continue with the placement of the steel roof frame.

    April 2021 Construction Update
    See the latest photos here

    RHS Phase 4 addition
    The Roosevelt Phase IV modernization project is moving along quickly. All the building footings and foundations have now been poured, including all the stem walls. Selective demolition of the Black Box Theatre’s existing north exterior wall, windows and metal cladded walls is underway. This is where the new Phase 4 addition will connect to the back of the auditorium building. 
    Black box theatre work

    Masonry walls for the new addition are rising up on the north and east exterior sides. There’s a coordinated effort with the electricians to install the electrical rough-ins as the walls grow ever higher. The final subgrade work is also moving forward along the southeast corner of the site. 

    Walls going up on South side of the addition

    Before long we will have the full exterior of the addition built and all the necessary main structures completed. At that time, the temporarily closed auditorium, that was shut for safety reasons, can be reopened for school use.


  • Project Overview

    The Roosevelt Phase 4 project provides a new 10,000 sq ft addition to Roosevelt High School to improve the school's Maker Space and CTE program. It will also convert the current MakerSpace into a 1,161 sf science classroom and convert the current 3,016 sf Construction Technology CTE space into the MakerSpace/CTE Lab. The additional 10,000 sf will include a 3,250 sf Construction Technology CTE space on the first floor; the second floor would include four 850 sf general education classrooms, with a flexible partition wall between two of the classrooms.  For more information, please view the project flyer.

    Project History

    Board Resolution 4852 (December 16, 2013) approved the Roosevelt High School Full Modernization Master Plan as part of the 2012 Capital Bond Program. It authorized design for Common area capacities for 1,700 students and Classrooms for 1,350 students.

    Board Resolution 4871 (February 3, 2014) adopted the District Education Specifications ("Ed Specs") for Comprehensive High Schools.

    Board Resolution 4936 (June 23, 2014) approved the RHS Schematic Design. The resolution acknowledged the need for a revised total size of 235,000 sq ft. and directed staff to explore opportunities for additional classroom space.

    Spring 2015
    Construction of Phase 1 of the Roosevelt High School Full Modernization project commenced. Three phases of construction were planned.

    Board Resolution 5131 (August 4, 2015) authorized analysis of an alternative to the approved RHS Master Plan, to look at potential re-use of the existing Roosevelt Shop Building for conversion to a STEM and hands-on CTE work space. The Shop Building would have provided roughly 11,000 sf. In February 2016, it was "determined that a better location would be north and adjacent to the existing Roosevelt theater and Career and Technical Education (CTE) construction program."

    Board Resolution 5242 (April 5, 2016) approved the amendment of the Approved Master Plan and Schematic Design of Roosevelt High School to include up to 10,000 additional sq ft to expand available Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math ("STEM") as well as hands-on Career Technical Education ("CTE") work spaces. As stated in the resolution: Recital F: The Board seeks to include up to 10,000 additional square feet of Makerspace. The first floor will house two new state-approved GTE programs of study­Manufacturing and Aviation/Transportation in partnership with local industry. A program run by a third party will be available to community members in the evenings. The upper floor will be a modern Makerspace open to the whole district as a PPS Makerspace HUB that will hold priority for Roosevelt students. 

    This new Makerspace per Resolution No. 5242 was intended to be built in addition to the existing Makerspace that was built as part of the Roosevelt modernization project. With the modernization of Roosevelt completed, there is currently approximately 11,000 square feet of Makerspace and career technology education, Career Related Learning, science labs and journalism. The resolution approved up to $5 million from 2012 Capital Bond to fund up to an additional 10,000 square footage for CTE/Makerspace. The sources of funding would be existing and future premium from bond sales. Over the next two years, PPS staff worked with consultants and stakeholders to review potential development options, complete construction drawings sufficient to submit for building permit review, and acquire land use approval from the City of Portland.

    September, 2017
    The District Education Specifications for Comprehensive High Schools was revised in collaboration with Portland Association of Teachers leadership. Recommended MakerSpace size was 1 room of 1,200 square feet. Recommended total Career Preparation / CTE classrooms and labs was 4,800 square feet, with quantity of rooms and specific square feet per room to be determined per site.

    April 17, 2018
    There was a presentation to the Board's Finance, Audit and Operations (FAO) Committee on the status of the project by former Chief Operating Officer Jerry Vincent. Direction provided to staff at that meeting was to pause the current project planning efforts so that it could be informed by and coordinated with a district wide comprehensive CTE master plan that was expected to launch later that year.

    August 28, 2018
    A bond program finance update was presented to the Board with a recommendation to allocate the initial $5M funding that had been set aside by passage of Resolution No. 5242 in 2016 back to the 2012 bond program to support current work. This presentation also described, "the Roosevelt Maker Space as an outstanding decision that needs to be made. Staff will recommend a combination of funding sources to support this project."

    Board Resolution 6018 (Dec. 17, 2019)
    Board Resolution 6018
    authorizes staff to modify the Roosevelt Phase IV project design of the 10,000 sf addition, and modify selected rooms in the existing building, to better meet current and future Roosevelt High School STEM and CTE needs as proposed in the Staff Recommendation of the Roosevelt Phase IV project. The Board authorizes staff to complete construction of the project.

    Resolution 5242 allocated $5M of 2012 bond funds to the development of Makerspace at Roosevelt High School. Using 2012 bond funds, $382,661 has been spent on design to date, with an additional $113,960 committed but not yet invoiced, for a total of $496,621. The 2012 bond program currently estimates completing all other school modernization projects such that the $4,503,379 remaining from the allocated $5M may be funded from 2012 bond program funds. Staff recommends using $4,503,379 from the 2012 Bond funds to fund this project.

Latest Project Images

Roosevelt Phase 4 now open 12-1-21