Benefits Enrollment & Changes

  • There are only three times when you can enroll in benefits or possibly make changes to your benefits:

    1. As a new employee or a current employee with job/work hour changes impacting benefits eligibility.

    2. Within 31-calendar days* of a qualifying event.

    3. During Annual Open Enrollment for your Employee Group.


    If your particular situation is not listed below and you are unsure if the change in your life or job/work is a qualifying event allowing for a mid-year benefits change, please contact the PPS Benefits Team at

    * Unless otherwise indicated.

New Employee & Newly Eligible Benefits

  • I am a new employee/newly eligible for benefits. How do I enroll in benefits and when do my benefits start?

Current Employee Job Changes

Adding a Dependent (spouse/domestic partner/children)

  • I got married. How do I add my spouse to my insurance?

  • I had a baby or adopted a child. How do I add them to my insurance?

  • How do I add my domestic partner to my insurance?

  • My spouse/domestic partner/child(ren) lost their insurance coverage. How do I add them to my insurance?

Removing a Dependent (spouse/domestic partner/children)

  • My spouse/domestic partner/children gained other insurance. How do I remove them from my insurance?

  • I got divorced. How do I remove my ex-spouse from my insurance?

  • I have separated from my domestic partner. How do I remove my ex-domestic partner from my insurance?

Enrolling Myself & My Dependent(s) - Loss of Other Insurance Coverage

  • I have lost my other insurance coverage. How do I enroll in my PPS insurance?

  • Myself and my dependents (spouse/domestic partner/children) have lost our other insurance coverage. How do I enroll myself and my dependents in my PPS insurance?

Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Changes

  • How do I enroll or make changes to my Health Care FSA?

  • How do I enroll or make changes to my Dependent Care FSA?

Qualifying Events for Benefits Enrollment & Changes

  • Examples of Qualifying Events & required documentation

Other Benefit Changes/Questions

  • I am planning on going on leave. How will that effect my benefits?

  • COBRA: How do I continue health insurance after losing benefits eligibility?

  • I need a letter stating that my PPS health insurance coverage has ended. How do I get this letter?

  • I need a letter for my spouse/domestic partner/children stating their PPS health insurance coverage has ended. How do I get this letter?

Other Benefit Changes

  • The following benefit changes can be made at any time.

    • NOTE: Health Savings Account (HSA) changes and 403(b) Plan changes are subject to payroll deadlines.

Health Savings Account (HSA) Changes

  • I am enrolled in Moda Plan 6 or Kaiser Plan 3 and need to start/change/stop my HSA contribution. How do I do that?

403(b) Plan Changes

Beneficiary Changes

Update Legal Name or Address with Insurance

  • My legal name has changed. How do I update my legal name with my insurance?

  • I have moved. How do I update my address on my insurance?